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Memhash becomes the first application to integrate the new AirDrop feature Tonapi

Tonkeeper, the leading porch of self -friction on the open network (TON), announced that Memhash, a small application of Telegram, displays cryptocurrency mining, has become the first project of its kind to integrate the new Tonapi Airdrop feature, as it was stated in Finbold on Monday, 3 March.

Thanks to integration, Memhash can enhance its economy in the game, enhance participation, and simplify the distribution and rewards of the distinctive symbol in the future.

Tonapi Airdrop on Memhash

Tonapi Airdrop is designed in the company that was designed inside the home, an independent Airdrop platform that supports up to 10 million claims and helps projects in the Jettons version and the distribution of Jettons, the original symbolic standard in TON.

Jettons allows widespread and non -trustee air overdrivers with removal of traditional mining processes, ensuring expansion and low implementation costs.

As of now, more than 80 % of projects in the ecosystem of the ton benefit from Tonapi, and the platform has a wide list of external partners, including Bitget, Coingeko and Trustwallet (Twt).

Nikolai, CEO (CEO) of Memhash, commented on Tonapi automation features, saying:

The adoption of the Jetton Airdrop feature is in line with our vision of the smooth economy that the user drives. It will make the disposal of manual distribution obstacles easy for players to deal with Memhash and demand their symbolic rewards.

As such, Tonapi Airdop is especially attractive to projects that are looking for minimal friction solutions that do not have additional costs in addition to initial publishing fees.

Web3 games on Memhash

As an early age of Tonapi Airdrop, Memhash is also the game Web3 Gaming on TON.

With the combination of Tonapi rewards in the Memhash mining application, players can easily claim the fun and increase the participation of the ecosystem even if they are not aware of the privacy and generalities of technology behind the platform.

This not only simplifies the publication of the decentralized application (DAPP) but also allows projects to launch local codes earlier.

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