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Crypto Trends

ETF encryption assets to overcome precious metals by the end of the year

The demand for the world’s investment funds is expected to exceed the valuable metal investment funds in North America by the end of 2025. This will make the digital investment funds the third largest assets in ETF markets of 15 trillion, and exceed Arrows, links, and real estate links.

Crypto ETF versus precious metals

“We were very surprised by the speed of coding. I expected it to be a pent -up demand, but I did not expect it to be as strong as it was.” Koudelka also shared that the data shows that more advisers are interested in cryptocurrencies as part of their perfection. “From now, I collected the traded investment funds in The cryptocurrency, which was only allowed in the United States last year, is already $ 136 billion of assets.

The investment funds circulating in precious metals, led by $ 85 billion from SPDR Gold Trust (GLD), had started a 20 -year start, but Stet Street expected that $ 165 billion from the precious North North minerals would be collected by Crypto ETFS in 2025. (second) this year.

State Street also predicts that by 2025, money -based money will be allowed, and SEC’s approval will enhance “porridge” creations and recovery for encryption investment funds in liquidity and tax efficiency. Moreover, it is expected that the circulating investment funds are actively managed, as the currently stable investment funds are a greater share of ETF flows.

ETF global markets, especially in China and Taiwan, are also preparing for strong growth in APAC. Moreover, State Street expected that the Chinese ETF market of $ 506 billion will outperform $ 573 billion from Japan to become the largest in the Asia Pacific region, with assets exceeding $ 700 billion.

Also read: Coinbase negotiates the ETF sub -contract plans in Hong Kong

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