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President Trump says the encryption reserves to include BTC, ETH, Sol, XRP and Ada

Update (2 March 16:48:31 UTC): This article was updated to add the latest message to President Trump about BTC and ETH in the reserve

US President Donald Trump recently announced that the president’s working group has been directed to include XRP (XRP), Solana (Sol) and Cardano’s Ada (ADA) in the Crypto strategic reserve.

The President later added Bitcoin (BTC) and ETHER (ETH) to the list of cryptocurrencies that will be included in the reserve in an attachment post, saying they will be in the “Heart of Reserve”.

XRP, United States, Donald Trump, Kardano, Solana

source: Donald Trump

Trump previously promised to create a “national strategic stock of bitcoin” at the Bitcoin 2024 conference in Nashville, Tennessee. Trump He said The public during his main speech:

“If I am elected, my administration policy – the United States of America – will be the maintenance of 100 % of the total bitcoin currently maintaining or getting it in the future. We will keep a hundred percent.”

“I hope you are good, at least. This will actually serve the essence of the strategic national bitcoin stock,” the president continued.

The American President’s language has turned on Bitcoin’s strategic stock after January 23, to request Group to create a “digital asset stock”, angered the maximum bitcoin.

XRP, United States, Donald Trump, Kardano, Solana

Next, Trump gives Trump the main title at the Bitcoin 2024 conference in Nashville. source: Cointelegraph

Related to: Republicans announce the formation of a Bicameral encryption group

Trump signs the executive, but this is not what the maximum bitcoin expects

President Trump has signed the executive order that directs the working group on digital assets to study the feasibility of the National Crypting Reserve and explore a regulatory framework for Stablecoins.

The executive order also banned the research and the development of a central bank of the Central Bank (CBDC) in the United States.

After the ranking of January 23, Maximalists Bitcoin charged them from frustrating the mysterious language of the system and the potential inserts of other digital assets in the reserve.

XRP, United States, Donald Trump, Kardano, Solana

President Trump signs the executive order on digital assets and Amnesty International. source: White House

“Lift your hand if you think that Donald Trump should make Bitcoin” national “national origins” only, “Walker, Bitcoin Podcast host books On x.

Pierre Rukhard, Vice President of Research on Riot Platforms at the Mining Company as well The name Outside the executive command language, which has deviated from President Trump’s previous promises to Betcins.

President Trump will host the first White House encrypted summit on March 7 to discuss the future of the US encoding policy in the United States with the executives of the industry and the work group of digital assets.

magazine: Bitcoiners is “All in” on Trump since Bitcoin ’24, but it becomes risky.