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I promoted to Premium category on a Japanese bullet train, worth $ 115

  • My husband and I paid $ 230 to Gran category tickets on the Shinkansen Bullet Train in Japan.
  • On our way from Tokyo to Nagano, we enjoyed snacks and free drinks.
  • In general, we believed that the distinguished travel experience was worth money.

My husband and I talked about going to Japan for years. Last year, we have finally made strong plans to visit Hakuba, a famous ski destination near some Japanese mountain ranges.

We planned to spend a few days in Tokyo first, so we searched for the famous bullet trains in Japan. Ultimately, we landed on the Xiniksen line, which might take us 138 miles from Tokyo to Nagano, a town car by Hakuba, in less than two hours.

After some research, we chose the distinctive Gran category. The cost you reminded us of the Kagayaki train from Tokyo to Nagano 34,480 yen, or about 230 dollars. Standard seats were closer to $ 55 per piece, but we are fascinated by distinct privileges, such as comfortable seats, comfort and additional services.

I am very happy because we promoted – our time was spending in the luxury of the Shinkansen Gran category as the most prominent of our Japanese vacation.

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