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Design Opensea in NFT users and trading sales in February 2025

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Opensea, an endless symbolic market that was known as the leading company in the market in the unprecedented code market, has come to the lead. In February, the most trading NFT markets appeared in terms of users and trading sales volume. In the past 30 days, the OpenSea NFT market collected trading sales volume of more than $ 211 million, with 47.8 % of the NFT market share.

Opensea surpasses Blur in February 2025

Data collected by nftpulse.orgThe exploratory of multiple symbolic groups explains that Opensea was the most unique trading code market in February. From 01 February to 01 March, the OpenSea NFT market collected trading volume of $ 211 million, to become the leading NFT market in the NFT market. Opensea took a fog, which took the initiative in January 2025.

The highest 5 NFT Marketplace through trading size

Blur, a symbolic market that is not an other ETHEREUM, was the second most -trading market in Opensea, the second most trading in the universal explosion in February. In the past thirty days, Blur recorded trading sales volume of $ 162 million, with 31 % of the total market share. In February, Magic Eden, an uninterrupted symbolic market, was the third most trading NFT market platform.

From 01 February to 01 March, the Magic Eden Nft Market platform raised the trading volume of $ 72 million, with 14 % of the total market share. During this period, OKX, a symbolic, unprecedented, operated smoothly with more than 10 networks, including ETAREUM, Solana, Polygon, BNB Blockchain Networks, and Dew are the fourth and five most trading NFT tools in February. OKX and Dew recorded trading sales volume of $ 20 and $ 14 million, respectively.

OpenSea peaks in Marketplace Nft users

Opensea has also overcome all users in February. In the past thirty days, the NFT market platform includes 204,000 users, with 42 % of a total of 482,000 users in the top five markets. Magic Eden is long followed by Opensea with 176,000 users, with 36.6 % of the market share. Tensor and Blur were the third and fourth most educational NFT markets, as it recorded 45,000 and 17,000 users, respectively.

Best 5 NFT Marketplace by users

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