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Ancient photos of the actors, Nebu’s children as children

  • Some famous actors started their travels in Hollywood before their birth.
  • Many appeared in their parents ’projects or alongside them on the red carpet.
  • Old photos reveal the past of Hollywood stars such as Jennifer Aniston, Dan Levy and Lily Collins.

From attending events such as the Oscars at an early age, to officially get to know the press as newborns, these celebrities were in front of the cameras throughout their lives.

The term “Nepo Babies”, an abbreviation of the children of the counted, appeared on the surface on social media before the New York magazine published the cover of the 2022 cover, dozens of celebrities who continue their heritage’s heritage in the entertainment industry.

While many of these celebrities resisted the mark, saying that it undermines their efforts and work, others embraced it.

These 25 -star photos show today when they were just children of the famous Hollywood actors and producers.

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