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High prices, competition and password repression

Netflix is ​​witnessing despite the growth in the United States and Canada. The broadcast giant faces challenges worldwide due to the high costs of subscription, increasing competition from platforms such as Disney+ and HBO Max, and repressing the password sharing. In addition, changing display habits and content concerns contributed to the decrease. Since Netflix moves on these challenges, it implements new strategies, including an advertising support plan, to keep users and attract them.

In the second quarter of 2022, the administrative broadcasting company lost nearly one million users worldwide. This lost Netflix the first time in a decade. The company stopped operations in Russia due to the Ukraine war and lost 700,000 subscribers in this process. The appearance of strong competitors such as Disney and HBO Max as well as Amazon has slowed growth.

The highest prices are still a major cause of cancellation. Netflix has constantly increased the subscription fee over the years. Many of the different broadcasting prices have made many users to reconsider their subscriptions.

The decision to maintain a narrow grip on sharing password has generated more contempt. Many people rely on joint accounts to save money, but the company has now provided a paid post, which has canceled many subscribers.

She also played a role. Some users believe that the original TV series of the platform is not as attractive as they were to be, and the best performance shows are not promoted as they were. The cancellation of the upper chain was also frustrated. On the other hand, other platforms still behave money in popular privileges to list the audience.

The way people watch TV has changed significantly. After Covid’s pandemic, people were spending less flow offers due to less restrictions on staying at home. This shift has greatly affected the increase in subscribers. Millions of subscriptions are no longer present as people resumed work after he saved.

To combat this issue, she presented a cheaper plan. This plan is scheduled to bring people more inclined to save money. The company also invests in a new original series of different categories.

Even after the subscribers are lost, Netflix still has a stronghold in broadcasting work. “Strange things” is one of the reasons why people continue to watch it. The organization pays close attention to the changes in the market and continues to seek to overcome other companies at work.

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