The suspicious external flows discovered from a portfolio linked to the founder of the mask network
Cyvers Cybles discovered the onchain cybersation platform on February 27 from the title linked to the founder of the MASK Suji Yan network.
According to Cyvers, other headlines that were marked about $ 4 million of cryptocurrencies were received, primarily in the ether -related symbols (ETH).
The suspected digital assets included 113 ETH, which is valued at more than 265,000 dollars at the time of writing this report, 923 Weth, 301 Ezeth, 156 Weeth, 90 PUFET, 48,400 MASK, 5000 USDT (USDT) and 15 Swith.
Track the flow of transactions at risk. source: Cyvers Alerts
After the initial settlement, the money was then replaced on the ETH and was transferred to six different wallet addresses, with one of the violating portfolios in “DF7”. Mir Dolph, co -founder of Cyvers, Cointelegraph:
“This incident emphasizes the increase in development of representatives of the threats in the web3 space and highlights the urgent need to monitor transactions in an actual time, preventive prevention and a rapid response to accidents.”
This incident is the latest in a series of last outstanding breakthroughs and exploits, including a $ 1.4 billion bybit penetration on February 21 and Hack Social Media Hack on February 26.
Related to: From Sony to Bybit: How Lazarus Group has become great in Crypto
The encryption industry is vibrated with advanced penetration techniques
Forensic investigations of the last bybit penetration that exploitation occurred due to accreditation papers at risk to the Safewallet developer and targeting the BYBIT team.
According to a statement issued by the safe team, the exploitation did not affect any of the code for its front services or its smart contracts.
Instead, infiltrators used the hacked system to attack the user interface – by seeing legitimate transactions apparently to Bybit and then transferring money from harmful transactions to a different device portfolio.
However, Martin Kodman, co -founder of the Gnosis Blockchain network, who has developed and floats well, He said It can only speculate how infiltrators used exploitation to deceive many of the two BYBIT teams.
The director of Crypto added that the Lazarus group, which is strongly believed to be behind the attack, is likely to avoid attacking other accounts using safe products to avoid detection and give up their tactics.
magazine: Two of the auditors are absent from 27 million dollars between me,