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Crypto News

4 million stolen dollars, 6 portfolios

According to the CYVERS report, the Network Suji Yan account was hacked. A suspicious address received approximately $ 4 million of digital assets before immediately switched to ETH and distributed it to six different addresses.

The original symbol of the Mask Network has decreased, which is approximately 50 % in the past three months, and this incident may affect its price.

Founder of the target mask network

The breach involves a complex mixture of symbols. The suspected address was collected 113 ETH, 923 Weth, 301 Ezeth, 156 Weeth, 90 PUFET, 48,400 MASK, 5000 USDT, and 15 Swith.

Reports From Web3 Security Cyvers reflect that the hack has been revealed quickly. After the initial acquisition of approximately $ 4 million of cryptocurrency, the infiltrators have transferred stolen assets to ETH.

ETH was then separated equally into six separate addresses, the maneuver is likely to block the money course and the complexity of the efforts made to track the funds.

“Our system has set a suspicious transfer of $ 4 million linked to the title linked to the Suji Ya, the founder of Network Mask. The stolen assets were quickly transferred to ETH and dispersed through multiple titles, indicating a well -coordination washing attempt. This incident confirms the increasing development of actors of threats in the Web3 space and highlights the urgent need to monitor transactions in the actual time, Preventive prevention and rapid response to accidents.

The MASK network, which blocks the prevailing social media with Blockchain technology, has not yet issued an official statement confirming the penetration.

However, the founder, Suji Yan, confirmed the penetration on social media. According to him, it is possible that the penetration took place at his birthday party yesterday. Yan alluded to the idea of ​​an unending attack, as he was far from his phone for a few moments during the party.

In general, Yan confirmed that the money was manually transferred from his wallet. More details have not been revealed yet.

“6 hours ago, it reached the twenty -ninth. About 3 hours ago, 4 million dollars were stolen from one of the public governors. It seems that all stolen transactions have been handcrafted and lasted for more than 11 minutes. Therefore, either my private keys were at risk on my birthday and handcuffed manually money, or it could be an incomplete attack on the Internet. I was at a private party with dozens of friends and was my phone away. For a few minutes, like when I went to the bathroom. I have trusted in my friends, but this situation is a nightmare for anyone, books On x (previously Twitter).

Increases and fraud breakfast increased dramatically in the first two months of 2025. Last week, the Lazarus Group in North Korea carried out the largest penetration in the history of encryption, the BYBIT attack.

At the same time, many prominent social media accounts are rounded regularly to encourage fake coins. The last accident is part of this growing trend in which the industry is afflicted.


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