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I joined my children at the private school in a public school; They flourish

  • I grew up in private schools, and I had my children going to private schools as well.
  • However, we were unable to buy a private high school, so they were forced to enroll in a public school.
  • At high school, they have amazing opportunities and it is better for the college college.

I grew up going to private schools. For eight years, my daily outfit was the embossed blue and blouse with Peter Ban. High school has eased some things with only (relatively strict) dress to face: no jeans, no shirts with slogans, and certainly no short skirts. My private school education continued during my university school years at IVY-on-THE-Walls East Coast School and even at the Graduate School. I didn’t know anything different.

When I had children, I assumed that I would send them to private schools as well. It seemed to be the only option, because this is what I grew up with.

When our family moved to California, and I was ready to start kindergarten, even we did not think about sending it to the public school. Instead, we have chosen from some of the private schools near the place where we will live. The uniform made the morning hours easy, and I enjoyed the supportive community that we found in our small private school.

I had to change my thinking in private schools when my children entered high school.

Everything has changed with high school approaching

When my older child reached the eighth grade, it is time for us to look at high school, the private school is no longer an option. The cost of the tuition fees was very high, and we could not bear the cost of $ 20,000 a year (in addition to books, lunch funds, activity fees, etc.), especially given that we have three children in high school.

We registered our daughter to our local high school, knowing a little. The most preceding the beginning of the school was full of anxiety because most of her colleagues and friends in private high schools. I was worried that school will start without knowing one person.

Fortunately, our high school had a summer program that helped move, and also ended up going to her school. All this made the transition a little easier.

The public school was the right way for my family

I now have two children in our high school school, and the third will join them in the fall. Although I initially felt tension towards the unknown in public schools, I can say with confidence that high school was the best thing that could happen to us.

My son is likely to say that free lunch meals (including cinnamon rolls at lunch!) Are the most prominent in high school, but I can see many benefits.

When subscribing to the choices, I learned that not only provided traditional options such as art and music seasons, but children can also get lessons in wooden works, metal work or resign. My son was proud to bring the metal tools box that his garbage did for his final metal project. I love these options available.

When it is time to choose a scientific chapter, I was surprised when I learned that our school, which is located in the heart of the Silicon Valley in California, has a own farm on the site. Children can raise pigs, chicken and other animals as part of the courses.

My children raised a pig last year and they will do so again this year. They also participated in the sale of the community factory, and my son joined the school’s milk and cheese team, which competes in the events of farmers in the regional future.

Who would have thought that these would be options at Al -Dahoura Secondary School?

High school places my children for success in the college

During her novice year, my daughter was accepted in the Central College program in our high school. This allows young and the elderly to take full -time lessons at the local community college, which puts them to graduate from high school with university credits or even a common degree if they are especially excited. It does not have the chapters on Friday, which allows it to work and pay the price of gas and other expenses.

I know that my other children will follow their steps, allowing them to prepare better for their university studies.

Although I never expected my children go to high school, I now see a convincing blessing, as I offered programs that we were unable to reach in our local private schools.

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