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Berkshire Hathaway sets the record after the amazing profit report

Berkshire Hathaway sets the record after the amazing profit report

The shares of Hathaway’s Berkshires rose to its highest level ever on Monday after the bloc announced the best quarterly profit. The A.C. shares jumped by 4 % to close at 747,485.49 dollars, as they touched for a period of $ 755,968 during trading a day.


Warren Buffett stated that profits from 189 operating companies increased by 71 % to 14.53 billion dollars in the fourth quarter. With the exception of currency gains, profits amounted to $ 13.38 billion, exceeding analysts’ expectations.

The most prominent major events:

  • The overall public employment profit by 27 % to a record number 47.44 billion dollars
  • The cash position doubled in 2024 to 334.2 billion dollars
  • The total net income, including the gains and losses of stocks, is 89 billion dollars
  • The market value increased to $ 1.08 trillion

The insurance shift leads to growth

Puffett, CEO of GEICO TODD Combs, praised Annual shareholders ’speech To improve the performance of the car insurance company significantly. GEICO’s subscription profit increased more than twice in 2024 despite the reduction of more than 2,300 jobs, after 7700 jobs in 2023.

Many analysts raised their prices and profit expectations for Berkashire after the report. The UBS analyst Brian Merridith indicated that Jiko “appears to be the heart of the angle firmly.”

The future of Pavite

94 -year -old Pavite, who has led Berkshire since 1965, admitted the company ultimately in his message: “In 94, it will not go long before Greg Abel as an executive president and will write the annual messages.” Abel, 62, is currently working The position of Berkshire’s Chairman.

Puffett’s personal wealth increased to 155.5 billion dollars after the rise in the stock, as it ranked sixth around the world, according to Forbes.

Monon Minfelle

Content editor

Monon Minfelle

Content editor

I am a great content writer in Business2community, where I search and issue in -depth articles on the latest business trends, marketing and technology. I cooperate with editing teams, thought leaders and industry experts to create high -quality and attractive content that resonates with readers. By mixing analytical ideas with a clear and brief writing style, we help our audiences to stay aware and enable strategic decisions in the digital scene today.

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