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How can Defai expand safely in the era of artificial intelligence

Since artificial intelligence factors are reshaping the Defi, the height of the Defai brings tremendous potentials – and great risks. The expansion is safely required to address challenges such as hallucinations and regular failure.

Opinion: Karan Cheridisai, co -founder and CEO of Mira Network

On all smart nodes, when a decentralized financing is issued and goes to Mimpol, it is said to enter the “dark forest”, where anyone can see it and benefit from it. It is common for the most prepared and best science users, with the best technologies, take advantage of this.

For the industry, the incentive to take advantage of the transaction is what is known as the extractable value (MEV). MEV robots have been created to exploit this, working with simple, pre -defined rules with little flexibility. These bases-based robots have millions of dollars from ETAREUM transactions so far, and in the new era of AI and AI agents, we expect this number to grow dramatically-with all the good and bad that this requires.

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