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Crypto News

Exclusive presentation to espionage holders

Spacepay The payment solution provides solutions to many of the challenges we faced with Crypto. It can make the basic system features easy for anyone to accept encryption payments.

The London -based Fintech platform has a successful period of success, as about a million dollars has gathered so far, because investors are rushing to the ecosystem to put themselves as the future of payment can become.

Many people believe the SpacePay capabilities and spy code to change the financing financing method, and this can make the solution valuable for everyone easily.

SpacePay provides a new payment system, but instead of asking users to obtain new devices and portfolios, it works easily with current payment and governorate machines and more than 325 wallets. However, users do not have to bear the expenses of obtaining new payment devices.

However, it is easy for many people and companies to use a SpacePay solution since they are only wanted to continue using the system they are accustomed to.

In addition, encryption payments can be accepted to open companies in front of a new customer base, because people who want to pay using Crypto may be eager to use these stores.

How to accomplish the important SpacePay for users

SpacePay uses different ways to ensure that encryption payments are smooth and more efficient than cash payments. One of the methods is to protect money from the effects of volatility.

When making an encryption boost, traders can choose to receive them in the currencies they choose. Automatic conversion to FIAT guarantees that the value of the money remains the same, regardless of the fluctuations in the encryption price during the transaction.

The solution is costly, as it receives commercial fees by only 0.5 %. This direct pricing makes it easy to determine how much the merchant will get during payment. The platform is designed to be transparent with prices and does not impose hidden fees.

Another feature that the platform provides is the immediate settlement of transactions. There is no time for treatment, unlike the traditional payment system that may sometimes take days to settle. This effective system attracts a lot to the SpacePay ecosystem.

Growth and strategies plans on SpacePay

The pre -preparedness period is part of the plan to bring many people to the ecosystem and the formation of a strong society. The platform has audited a contract and is already working on NFC technology.

After the pre -preparedness, there will be central exchange lists, which will allow more people to trade the spy code, which may increase the volume of trading and vision.

The statute will launch many payment partnerships to ensure that it continues to provide optimal services to its users. There will also be many API integration and reward models that aim to reward society and encourage the continuous use of the platform.

In addition to all of this, the developers will implement many developments to ensure global expansion and revitalize the brand. This will include the expansion of their marketing access and strategies, in addition to implementing various scaling processes and providing features that enhance user experience and statute offers.

Exclusive benefits to retain spy code

The preservation of the Spy Tokeen code has its exclusive advantages, such as always accessing a form for revenue sharing where part of the platform’s revenues with community members is shared as a negative income.

Aside from this, holders of the distinguished symbol will have the right to vote on different features inside the platform. This ensures that it continues to grow based on the desires of the distinguished symbol holders, who want to clearly be the best for the project.

Spacepay will also reward the active participation on the platform through AirDrop monthly loyalty. This is the reward for the most active participants within the community with some distinctive spy codes to encourage the continuous use of the platform and the distinctive symbol contract.

Spy holders will also be able to access the SpacePay leadership team through Connect Connect, where they will be able to access more information about the statute’s growth and plans.

There are a total of 34 billion spy codes. 20 % of this total offer for the ongoing race, 18 % are allocated for marketing and community building, and another 18 % is allocated to strategic partnerships.

17 % are allocated to bonuses and loyalty, 12 % for the reserve box, and 10 % go to development, and another 5 % is allocated to the team or founding members.

Spacepay Pressale and its offers

The ongoing predecessor raised nearly one million dollars, indicating the strong interest of the investor in the encryption of the encryption. The distinctive symbol of spying is available at a positive price of $ 0.003126 during this pre -stage.

Buying a distinctive symbol provides a pre -selling period early and growing at a reduced price. This purchase may increase after the official launch.

To become an easy spy code holder. To buy, connect a decentralized portfolio using metamask or any other compatible portfolio Spacepay site. Provide the transaction with ETH, BNB, MATIC, USDT, USDC, AVAX, Base, or even a bank card.

Join Spacepay (Spy) Pressale now

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