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Crypto News

ETHEREUM Community Divorced on Olchain Rollback amid a penetration byBit

When Bybit picks up the pieces from its amazing security breachETHEREUM (ETF) was disturbing speculation about the future of the network. One side of the gap prepares a case for a decline in Blockchain designed to eliminate malicious transactions, while fundamentalists argue that this step will kill Ethereum credibility.

Go ahead with retreat

Arthur Hayes, co -founder of Bitmex, announced his support for connecting the first network for the first layer, as he photographed his tent on the hypothesis of Ethereum hard fork in 2016. For Hayes, since the network had been subjected to the previous HardFORK network, the decline to strangle the ability should be infiltrators in North Korea to use stolen assets is an easy choice for fighters.

Samson Mo, CEO of JAN3, supported The proposed decline In conversations with the co -founder of Ethereum Vitalik Buterin. The MW Ticker theory suggests $ ETH for the rolling background series and the current series of the current $ ETHNK, and urged Coinbase and other stock exchanges to delete the distinctive symbol from its platforms.

While the discussion is about it, militants may be affected in the ETHEREUM community through allegations that ETH stolen by the state’s infiltrators will be used to finance nuclear weapons programs in North Korea. The amount of $ 1.5 billion of BYBIT penetration exceeds previous security violations, as the largest largest larger breakthroughs are dwarfed in 2024 a rural mile.

Blockchain retreat is an event that reflects confirmed transactions on a network to previous case. Traditionally, the concept includes spreading the chain after security violations, and takes several forms, including thorns and the reorganization of the series.

Ethereum community against retreat

Amid the penetration bybit, Blockchain supporters in the Ethereum community adopt a difficult position against the proposal to retreat, pointing to the dark potential for corrosion Ethereum credibility In the big scheme.

“The decline can only happen if you divide the chain.” Porovic, an encryption dealer, said, “Ethereum reliability and neutrality, at risk.”

The Borovic argument has received support from Jimmy Song, supporter of Bitcoin, who notes that the BYBIT incident varies greatly from Dao Hack for 2016. Song’s demand against retreating from the fact that bybit penetration is a stable relationship, while Dao’s penetration took a month to implement.

“I know people expect Ethereum to review the chain, but I think it is already in a state of chaos clean,” Song said.


Alio Bokima

Responsibility: Is market research before investing in encrypted currencies? The author or post does not bear any responsibility for your personal financial loss.

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