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Sonic (Prev. FTM) (S) prediction price 2025, 2026-2030

  • Predicting up to 2025 budgets is 0.36551 to 0.49401 dollars.
  • Sonic (Prev. FTM) (S) may reach $ 1 soon.
  • Prediction Prices for 2025 is 0.20166 dollars.

In this prediction (PREV. FTM) (S) 2025, 2026-2030, we will analyze S price patterns using friendly technical analysis indicators for merchants and predicting the future movement of the encrypted currency.

table of contents


  • Sonic (Prev. FTM) (S) current market status
  • What is Sonic (Prev. FTM)?
  • Sonic (Prev. FTM) (s)

Sonic (Prev. FTM) Prediction 2025

  • Sonic (Prev. FTM) Support and Resistance levels
  • Sonic (Prev.
  • Sonic (Prev. FTM) PRICE PRICE 2025 – ADX, RVI
  • Comparison Sonic (Prev. FTM) with BTC, ETH
Prices Sonic (Prev. FTM) 2026, 2027-2030

Sonic (Prev. FTM) (S) current market status

The current price 0.8949 dollars
24 – Change the price 1.60 % higher
24 – A hour trading volume 632.96 million dollars
The maximum market $ 2.57 billion
Trading offer 2.88BS
All – time is high $ 1.03 (on January 05, 2025)
Everything – low time 0.3337 dollars (on February 03, 2025)

The current market condition (Source: Coinmarketcap))

What is Sonic (Prev. FTM) (s)

index S
Blockchain Vocal
category 1 Blockchain layer
Date December 2024
Facilities Defi, Gamefi, Stokeing, Payments, Smart Contracts

Sonic (s), previously known as Fantom (FTM), is a Blockchain platform of the next generation designed for high -cost high -cost transactions. The brand renamed is a shift towards improving expansion and wider adoption. Sonic maintains the basic Fantom principles, using the directed chart structure (DAG) directed to the end of the end of security and improved security.

The Sonic Chain network, which is a high -performance Blockchain network with high -performance transaction speeds of up to 180 million daily transactions and a second end. It remains compatible with Ethereum, allowing the spread of the smooth smart nodes. The transition includes an upgrade from FTM to S features, with liquidity incentives and ecosystem incentives.

Sonic aims to support Defi, Gamefi and Enterprise solutions with decentralization guarantee through its audit network. Thanks to the innovative consensus and strong infrastructure mechanism, Sonic puts itself as a major player in the Blockchain space, providing an alternative to traditional networks such as ETHEREUM and Solana.

Sonic (Prev. FTM) (s)

(source: Tradingvief))

Sonic (Prev. FTM) Predicting Price 2025

Sonic (PreV. Below is a look at Sonic (Prev. FTM) for 2025 with a daily time frame.

S/USDT Horizontal Channel style (Source: Tradingvief))

In the above chart, Sonic (Prev. FTM) (S) put up an upward channel. The emerging channel is to perform the price contained between the parallel lines. The highest levels and highest levels are distinguished by this price style. An upward channel is used to show the upward trend at the safety price. The emerging channels are optimistic in the short term that the arrows move above within an upward channel, but these patterns are often formed within the long -term declining declines as if continuing patterns.

At the time of analysis, the Sonic (Prev. FTM) price (S) was $ 0.8949. If the pattern continues, the S price may reach the level of resistance amounting to $ 0.36369 and $ 0.48530. If the trend reflects, the S price may decrease to $ 0.31591 and $ 0.27330.

Sonic (Prev. FTM) (s) levels of resistance and support

The chart contained below shows the potential levels of resistance and support for Sonic (Prev. FTM) (S) in 2025.

S/USDT Resistance and Support Levels (Source: Tradingvief))

From the above graph, we can analyze and determine the following as resistance and support levels from Sonic (Prev. FTM) (S) for 2025.

Resistance level 1 0.36551 dollars
Resistance level 2 0.49401 dollars
Support level 1 0.27299 dollars
Level 2 support 0.20166 dollars

Resistance and support levels

Sonic (Prev.

Technical analysis indicators such as the relative size (RVOL), the moving average (MA), and the RSI RSI (PREV. FTM) (S) in the plan below.

S/USDT RVOL, MA, RSI (Source: Tradingvief))

Among the readings on the above chart, we can make the following inferences regarding the Sonic (Prev. FTM) market (S) in 2025.

index very reading Inference
Mobile average for 50 days (50ma) The nature of the current trend by comparing the average price over 50 days 50 mAh = 0.31142price = 0.31251 dollars
Ascension/Al -Muttabr
Relative power index (RSI) Prices change volume 48.98014
<30 = overold50-70 = محايد> 70 = heart area
Rvol Asset trading volume with regard to the average of its recent sizes Under the cutting line Weak

Sonic (Prev. FTM) PRICE PRICE 2025 – ADX, RVI

In the scheme below, we analyze the strength and fluctuation of Sonic (Prev. FTM) (S) using the following technical analysis indicators – average trend index (ADX) and the relative fluctuation indicator (RVI).

S/USDT ADX, RVI (Source: Tradingvief))

Among the readings on the above chart, we can make the following inferences regarding the Sonic (Prev. FTM) price.

index very reading Inference
Average direction index (ADX) Momentum 38.30172 Trend
Rvi fluctuation index (RVI) Volatility during a specific period 58.18
<50 = low
> 50 = high
High fluctuations

Comparison S with BTC, ETH

Let’s now compare price movements for Sonic (Prev. FTM) (S) with Bitcoin (BTC) and ETHEREUM (ETH).

Comparison BTC price against ETH VS S (Source: Tradingvief))

From the graph above, we can explain that the S of S of S is similar to the BTC and ETH price. That is, when the BTC and ETH price increases or decreases, the price S or also decreases in a row.

Sonic (Prev.

With the help of indicators of the above -mentioned technical analysis and direction patterns, let’s predict Sonic (Prev. FTM) between 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030.

year Aleppo price The declining price
Sonic (Prev. FTM) Predicting Price 2026 $ 3 0.2 dollars
Sonic (Prev. FTM) Predicting Price 2027 5 dollars 0.1 dollars
Sonic (Prev. FTM) Predicting Price 2028 9 dollars 0.09 dollars
Sonic (Prev. FTM) Predicting Price 2029 $ 11 0.08 dollars
Sonic (Prev. FTM) Predicting Price 2030 $ 13 0.07 dollars


If Sonic (Prev. FTM) (S) established itself as a good investment in 2025, this year will be favorable to the encrypted currency. In conclusion, the prediction of the upscale sound prices (previous. FTM) (S) for 2025 is $ 0.49401. Relatively, if the unfavorable feelings are turned on, then the prediction of the sound price (Prev. FTM) (S) for the year 2025 is $ 0.20166.

If the market momentum and the feelings of investors raise positively, Sonic (Prev. FTM) (S) may reach $ 1. Moreover, with the upgrades and future progress in the Sonic (Prev. FTM), S may exceed its highest level (ATH) of $ 1.03 and puts the new ATH mark.


1. What is Sonic (Prev. FTM)?

Sonic (s), previously known as Fantom (FTM), is a Blockchain platform of the next generation designed for high -cost high -cost transactions.

2. Where can you buy Sonic (Prev. FTM) (S)?

Sonic (Prev. FTM) (S) is mostly on all encryption exchanges – from Binance, Bybit, OKX, Kucoin, Kaken, Gate.IO, Bitunix,, Tokeenize and Bittime.

3. Does Sonic (Prev. FTM) (S) arrive at a new ATH soon?

With continuous developments and promotions on the Sonic (Prev. FTM) platform, S has a high ability to reach ATH soon.

4. What is the current height (ATH) from Sonic (Prev. FTM)?

On January 05, 2025, Sonic (Prev. FTM) arrived (S)

5. What is the lowest Sonic price (previous. FTM)?

According to Coinmarketcap, SS reached a low level (ATL) of $ 0.3337 on February 03, 2025.

6. Does Sonic (previous. FTM) (S) reach $ 1?

If the bullish direction continues and if Sonic (Prev. FTM) (S) re -testing its resistance levels, it will reach $ 1 soon.

7. What will be the price of Sonic (Prev. FTM) (S) by 2026?

Sonic (Prev. FTM) (S) is expected to reach $ 3 by 2026.

8. What will be the price of Sonic (Prev. FTM) (S) by 2027?

Sonic (Prev. FTM) (S) is expected to reach $ 5 by 2027.

9. What will be the price of Sonic (Prev. FTM) (S) by 2028?

Sonic (Prev. FTM) (S) is expected to reach $ 7 by 2028.

10. What will be the price of Sonic (Prev. FTM) (S) by 2029?

Sonic (Prev. FTM) (S) is expected to reach $ 9 by 2029.

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Release responsibility: The opinion expressed in this plan is only the author. It does not represent any investment advice. TENEWSCRYPTO team encourages everyone to conduct their own research before investing.

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