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The former Chicago Megamansion, which costs 9.5 million dollars in Chicago Migandion, has become a rented $ 230,000 per month, as its new owner sells the property pieces.

Michael Jordan The legendary Chicago Estate has a new life under its last owner. After sitting on the market for more than a decade, the Hailand Park Palace was finally sold for $ 9.5 million in December. But instead of keeping it as a private house, the new buyer, John CooperHe is already shaking things-as it was burned in a luxurious rental when the jaw decreases 230,000 dollars per month and the real estate shares are sold in a unique participation form.

Selling reduced after 12 years in the market

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Jordan originally included the 56,000 square feet real estate in 2012 for $ 29 million, but he struggled to attract buyers, despite the multiple price reductions and deep home relations with basketball. The palace, known as Legend Point, includes nine bedrooms, 19 bathrooms, a full size basketball court, a cigarette and even doors from the original PlayBoy Palace. After years of discounts, Cooper, the real estate investor from Nebraska, purchased the property for $ 9.5 million – a significant decrease from the original demand price.

Convert the legend into a business

Instead of using the palace as a basic residence, Cooper has quickly put plans to move to achieve income from the iconic house. Per, a few weeks after the closure of the deal, announced that parts of the property will be sold as a luxurious meal under the name “Champions Point”. Participated owners can buy an arrow for at least a million dollars, giving them access to the property for a specific week every year. The owners can invite up to 24 guests and even host high -end events for an additional fee.

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Now, in addition to selling the shares, Coper has fully listed the property for rent, as any person with deep pockets was provided enough to live in the previous Jordan house for $ 230,000 per month. The list describes it as a “one -age chance” for those who “live and breathe sports.”

What the assessments and the participating malls get

Palace amenities are great as its history. The tenants and their participating owners can reach the organization’s basketball field, an endless group with an island, a tennis court, a green status, a modern home theater, a wine cellar, a commercial commercial fitness fitness, and a cigar room with a custom wet. High -end additions, including special chefs, site entertainment, and luxury transportation, are available at an additional cost.

Cooper, one of the Bulls fans who has long lived in Chicago over the past decade, says he wants to maintain the heritage of the property while making it more enjoyable than sports lovers, celebrities and companies looking for a unique luxury experience.

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