gtag('config', 'G-0PFHD683JR');

$ 1.44 billion of stolen cryptocurrencies

According to the preliminary analyzes conducted by Blockchain Analytics NansonThe total amount of the attack against bybit is equal $ 1.44 billion.

The coded currency sector was shaken by An unprecedented electronic attack against BeitOne of the largest exchanges in the world.

Initial investigations revealed the movement of stolen money, which includes:

  • 401.347 ETH (~ 1.12 billion dollars)
  • 90.376 Steth (~ 253.16 million dollars)
  • 15000 cmeth (~ 44.13 million dollars)
  • 8000 Meth (~ 23 million dollars)

Money analysis: attack analysis By Bybit

After theft, the money was initially transferred to a Major portfolio:

🔹 Main portfolio: 0x47666fab8BD0AC7003BCE3F5C3585383f09486E2

From this address, the infiltrators quickly distributed the money More than 40 secondary walletsUsing different strategies to complicate tracking.

Some of the main portfolios used by attackers:

  • 0xa4B2fd68593B6F34E51CB9edb6e71C1B4Ab4Ab4Ab4Ab449E
  • 0x36ed3c0213565530c35115d93a80f9c04d94E4CB
  • 0x1542368a03ad1f03d96d51B414f4738961cf4443

Analysis compared to other attacks on encryption exchange

Bybit penetration adds to the important attack list that has struck the exchange of encryption over the years. Similar events often have direct repercussions on the market and the investor confidence.

  • Mount Gox Hack (February 2014): Bitcoin lost 50 % of its value, decreasing from $ 600 to $ 300 in a few months.
  • BitFinex Hack (August 2016): Bitcoin has seen a temporary decrease, but quickly recovered.
  • Nicehash Hack (DEC 2017): It occurred during the peak of the market, and contributed to the subsequent declining direction.
  • Coincheck Hack (January 2018): Bitcoin accelerated to $ 3,000 by the end of the year.
  • FTX collapse (November 2022): The bottom of the encryption market was distinguished, with recovery only in 2023.

Transfer and distribution of encrypted currencies

It was one of the critical steps Transfer stolen assets. The attackers have transformed everything Steth, Cmeth, and Meth to Eth Before distributing money in slices of 27 million dollars Through more than 10 different governorates.

A portfolio used for conversion and distribution:

currently, Many money is still being held in different governoratesThis indicates that the attackers may wait for the right moment to transfer them more.

Impact on the cryptical currency market

The penetration was Great repercussions on the marketsWith increased volatility in the price of ETHEREUM and other encrypted currencies.

  • ETH witnessed a sudden decrease After 15:00, with a loss 4 % in only 45 minutes Between 16:15 and 17:00 cet.
  • Several cryptocurrencies showed recovery signsBut prices are still less compared to the levels of the attack before.
  • Increased uncertainty in the market Where investors evaluate the long -term effect of theft.

How to protect your money from infiltrators attacks

With an increase in attacks on exchanges, it is important to adopt sufficient security measures:

  • Using a non -guardian To store money in the long run.
  • Activating dual -factor authentication (2FA) On exchange accounts.
  • Avoid maintaining large quantities of cryptocurrencies on exchanges.
  • Monitor transactions and update safety measures periodically.

Continuous investigation

While Blockchain companies and forensic companies continue to monitor the situation, the episode again raises the issue of security in the exchange of cryptocurrencies. Following money and coordination with the authorities will be very important in trying to recover some stolen sums.

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