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Marginalization of heredity – How could it contradict mental disorders?

There is a modern perspective in SenderWhy did we not teach us genetics more about schizophrenia? Many victories to leave any doubt that the genome sequence of different types will remain the focus of diseases related to diseases. It may be more valuable in diseases in which cells appear to a defect or die – neurological or neurological disorders in general – more than those in which circles appear without any clear cellular diseases – behavioral or psychological states. Autism and etc. It is possible to rely more on other methods. “

“Human nervous organs may include to search for cellular and molecular changes, nervous imaging to search for disorders at the level of systems, as well as the best vital indicators and identify the specified types of cells. Effectively.

What does it mean that “circuits seem a malfunction without clear cellular diseases”? Circles are nerve circuits. Therefore, if nervous pathology is not the problem, then what are the other options in circles?

Electrical and chemical signals. There is no nervous circle without electrical and chemical signals. There is no other way in brain science that can be strong in treating behavioral or psychological conditions without exploring electrical and chemical signals first, as the next best option because excluding them means this.

How can the signals be dealt with? One option is to look at the neurons in groups. Nerve cells in groups mean that electrical and chemical signals are present in groups or in rings. There can be a set for each or several groups. Work, in theory, from these groups is the formation of specific information. This means that the information is organized by groups of signals. Jobs are initial information, obtained in electrical and chemical signal reactions. Jobs include memory, feeling, emotion, and organizing internal senses. These functions have many sub -divisions. The features that qualify these functions include attention, awareness, subjectivity and intention.

The features are relevant signals, in groups, at the time of reaction. Therefore, towards solving psychological problems, reactions and signals can be used to explain or build a parallel to each case in the diagnostic and statistical guide for mental disorders, fifth edition, text review (DSM-5-TR).

For example, what is depression, through the structure of electrical and chemical signals? It can be described by a feature of chemical signals called the main Spot, as it takes a range of signs higher than a priority mode, directing electrical signals from other groups, which reduces pre -priority measures.

Simply put, depression can be chemical signals on a main scale [or spot]Which then attracts electrical signal summaries from several other groups, which may not have any relationship with the group in the main place. Then this clouds reduce the optimum process of these groups, which leads to experiments such as weight, lack of motivation, sadness, etc. Other features that may be responsible for sequences, splits, etc.

Each case in DSM-5-TR can be explained in this way, close to what may be continuous inside, through the operational components of the mind-electric and chemical signals. However, it is possible to remove the treatments to remove the group from the main scale through some adjustments in the interval. This can also be similar to many other conditions. Even in the search for vital indicators, it is possible to use reactions and electrical and chemical signals to develop possibilities that can be observed on measures that may represent vital indicators of some cases. Genes are not the human mind. Nerve cells are also not the human mind.

The goal is to progress. What is before neurons in how the brain works are electrical and chemical signals. They can provide them with answers as hereditary struggles in aspects of brain science.

There is a new paper in Psychiatry group, Prediction of diagnostic progress to schizophrenia or bipolar disorder by machine learning, saying that “diagnostic progress can be expected to schizophrenia or bilateral disorder accurately from routine clinical data extracted from electronic health records? With a total of 398 922 external communications for psychological services in the area Central Denmark between 2013 and 2016, was predicted by schizophrenia With the most difficult of the pole disorder, which has proven to be more difficult.

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