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Halliday launches the agent’s workflow to revolutionize the integration of artificial intelligence and blocs

  • The workflow protocol simplifies the development agents by providing one programming model.
  • Hallidai’s workflow protocol is permissible for shortcomings and greatly reduces the time schedules for development and operational costs.

In order to remove the requirements for writing smart contracts, Halidai The first agent of the workflow is presented, a new platform that enables artificial intelligence robots to communicate safely with Blockchain applications. This protocol is the first to provide a high -level and flexible functional workforce for the smart contracts that artificial intelligence agents may perform alone while adhering to non -changing solid studies.

Traditional smart contracts are not flexible, expensive and slow. To accommodate the new features, they need to undergo months of audit and modifications. These restrictions are eliminated through the Hallides protocol, which allows developers to create Blockchain applications without writing new smart contracts for each use. The workflow protocol simplifies the development agents by providing a single programming model, which greatly reduces the amount of rear infrastructure development.

Developers must merge decentralized applications through a variety of protocols, chains and services with Blockchain adoption growth. Developers are buried on the complexity of Blockchain ecosystems, and have eliminated years of infrastructure and integration work rather than developing basic products. By enabling developers to determine the processes on the chain in a high -level programming model, the Hallidey’s workflow protocol replaces inefficiency and significantly reduces the time schedules for development and operating costs.

The workflow of agents, which are tasks with non -changing handrails that enable self -systems and self -agents of artificial intelligence and software on behalf of users while maintaining safety and compliance, through the Halidai approach. This makes it possible for developers to automate the processes on the series easily over smart contracts. AI’s mandate to zero trust ensures security and compliance by allowing artificial intelligence customers to complete Blockchain transactions securely within pre -defined parameters. Instead of using a low -level contract code, developers may determine high -level languages ​​known thanks to the unified programming structure. In addition, Halliday runs the logic of implementation through many services and chains, and removes the integration that is pre -designed to need a new infrastructure.

Griffin Deniev, CEO of Hallidai: stated:

“When the model is converted from the development of smart contracts to the workflow of the agent, we bring Blockchain in the agent era. This is a major step forward for companies looking to integrate artificial intelligence and Blockchain, allowing developers to build applications in hours and not years.”

In order to make development faster, safer and more developed, the Hallidai protocol is designed to be directed forward and future. This means that the processes automatically adapt to the new protocols and apparent devices without the need for expensive updates.

The workflow of the agents is paid during the second quarter and is now early. the Q2 Early Access Program Open to developers who want to use the workflow.

The first workflow, Halidai, enables work to work to programs or agents who work independently. With Halliday, one can develop leading applications within minutes instead of years. The first-party application that was developed at the top of the protocol, Halliday Payments provides a comprehensive payment experience that allows users to move from FIAT to cryptocurrency, encryption to cryptocurrency, and encryption to FIAT-the entire money cycle on a new network. They have collaborated with well -known projects including Apechain, Story Protocol, DEFI Kingdoms, and support A16z and #Hashed.

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