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The smallest Australian millionaires who were forced to abandon the beloved super yachts after seven years at sea

  • Altavita, which has been built, has been sold 125 feet after exploring the global sea since 2018.
  • The yacht features a detailed interior design with dark wooden panels and luxurious marble accents.
  • Listed at $ 10 million (about $ 16 million Australian), the ship hosted both private and three adventures.

Not all trips forever – some of them sail at the sunset, and never return, leaving behind the treasure of memories. This is the story of the Australian millionaire couple, Lenne and the Gareth of Matthews, who sold earlier this month, the superior yacht, after seven years of unusual adventures at sea.

A dream designed in excellence

before AltavitaMatthews was not strange to life on water, as they owned many smaller ships, but in 2018, they decided to raise matters and mandate the super yachts designed with their accurate vision. The result was a floating masterpiece built by Gulf craft In the United Arab Emirates – one of the six models of His Majesty 125 was ever created.

Altavita was built by the United Arab Emirates GULFTITA company and was delivered in 2018. Photo: Fraser

Designed to make sure that every pure details, the husband visited the Emirates several times during the construction process. The final product was not less than a breathtaking: a 125 -footed bowl that combines elegant and contemporary style with immortal luxurious details, a luxurious mixture of dark panelwood, luxurious skin finishes, and high -end marble accents.

Life is on a floating palace

The luxury ship accommodates up to 12 guests. The yacht contains five halls, including a main pavilion of the full package with views of the panoramic ocean.

Two dual parties and two twins with Pullman’s sidewalks on the lower deck of the guests included the highest level of comfort, including its entertainment center and an internal bathroom. In addition, there is a crew of eight in four separate cabins and is responsible for providing a flawless service to the guests.

Altavita Superacht bedroom
The yacht features five halls, including a dual hall and a main suite collection. Photo: a boat

The main salon is the artist’s dream, with broad photo windows that allow natural light to flow, and connect the glass glass doors smoothly inner and external spaces. The official eating area is located forward, creating an elegant place for meals in the sea.

But the real Showstopper is Sundekk. It is equipped with a jacuzzi, a sit-in bar with spirits, a tipanaki grill, and a dining space under the umbrella of the solid surface, it is the final spot for relaxation-either trampled along the coast of Amalfi or cruises across the Greek islands.

Power and performance

Altavita’s capabilities agree on their elegant design. Silver from the 1900HP twins Caterpillar diesel enginesThe yacht is comfortable comfortably in 19 nautical miles, which makes long distance trips look breezes. It was kept irreplaceable and promoted regularly, which was mainly used to explore European waters before it was for sale in 2023.

Founder of Garth Matthews for safe parking lots
Garth Matthews, founder and head of safe auto, decided the largest car parking company in Australia, and his wife Liny building a dedicated yacht specifically designed to see them. Photo: Realestate

When Matthews was not on board the plane, Altavita doubled as an upscale rented checker, as luxurious experiences of elite travelers provided. But in 2023, the couple decided that it was time to allow her to leave $ 10 million, and earlier this month, seven years after unforgettable memories, the yacht found a new house.

Now, while Altavita begins on a new trip with its new owner, the only question that remains is: How long before Leni and Gart find themselves designing the next dream yacht? Looking at their love for the sea, don’t be surprised if another ship is already intended in business.

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