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Crypto News

Latin America stands out as the second fastest growing region in the world, according to the Lemon report

Latin America has strengthened itself as the second fastest growth area to adopt encryption worldwide, according to a study of lemon.

It has become the second fastest growth area in terms of the value of the cryptocurrency, and a annual increase of more than 42 %.

Latin America has emerged as the region that has benefited more effectively from expanding the ecosystem for encryption in 2024, according to the last Lemon report called “Estado de La Industria Crypto 2024” (the state of encryption industry in 2024).

Latin America stands out as an important market for digital currencies, where cryptocurrencies continue to march around the world.

The wonderful Bitcoin trip

According to the report, 2024 was a training year for Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Market as a whole.

Bitcoin has begun to hit amazing levels that many believed was impossible.

For the first time, the cryptocurrency witnessed a noticeable movement across the traditional markets, specifically, after the green light of the money traded on the stock exchange (ETFS) in the United States.

Its value will increase steadily, and the year ends with an amazing return by 122 %. In January 2025, its climax amounted to about $ 109,000.

This increase has a direct impact on online searches, as shown in the large increase in Google’s searches on the word “bitcoin”.

The surrounding narration has turned Bitcoin, and developed from a specialized investment into a major financial origin.

Examination in Latam

The increasing interest in bitcoin and cryptocurrencies comes from their use as an economic protection for countries that have high inflation rates, such as Argentina, Venezuela and Mexico, which were looking for bitcoin as a partial solution to their urgent economic situations.

The region’s share of the global coding volume witnessed a remarkable increase, increasing from 7.3 % in 2023 to 9.1 % in 2024, with total flows exceeding 415 billion dollars.

This data shows that within a year barely, citizens are increasingly turning into encrypted currencies to maintain their wealth and alleviate economic turmoil, according to the research.

The Limon’s Light Report highlights Argentina as one of the leaders in adopting encryption. It is an important center for startups, developers and international investors within an environmental system for fertile entrepreneurship.

Argentina leads Latin America in both active encryption users and the total receipt, although it has five Brazil population and a few thirds of Mexico.

In 2024, Argentina recorded 91.1 billion dollars of the received encryption value, which represents an increase of 6.7 % over the previous year.

It is also ranked fourth in the world in the number of users of active encryption portfolio.

The next country is the highest in Latin America is Brazil, which occupies thirteenth place around the world.

At the same time, Peru has become one of the promising markets due to organizational progress and technical developments that attracted foreign companies and strengthened their local environmental system.

Although the download of Crypto applications in 2024 did not reach the levels seen in 2021, the year still represents one of the highest periods of downloads in the region.

The downloads in the second quarter of this year compared to the second quarter of 2023 and doubled three times in the next quarter when Bitcoin was broken “ever at $ 69,000,” according to the lemon.

Despite this increase, the report highlights that the enthusiasm that was seen during the last bullifier is not fully returning between retailers, indicating that the new upward upward stage is still in its early stages.

Latam: The area for encryption?

According to the report, there are four of the best 20 countries to adopt global encryption in Latin America – Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Venezuela.

Adoption practices differ between countries. Brazil emerges because of its institutional embrace of the encoded currency, as well as the active retail market that participates in the trading of speculation.

The integration of encrypted currencies into financial systems indicates a shift in the economy, which may change its basis.

Such a transition puts Latin America to unify its leadership in the digital economy sector.

The Post Latin Americana stands out as the second fastest encrypted area in the world, according to the LEMON report first appeared on Invezz

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