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The African Nation strikes “black gold” suitable – and its value is more than $ 5,000 per kilo

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  • Madagascar is now the first producer in Africa for Caviar, who is competing with Russia, Iran and China in the luxury market.
  • ACIPENSER’s ROVA CAVIAR FARM is produced 10 tons of puffy eggs annually, and providing the Michelin star restaurants in Europe.
  • The climate of Lake Mantasoa allows the cultivation of the body around the year at a height of 1400 meters above sea level.

Madagascar I have just pulled those who cannot be conceived, and goes to the soles of the feet with Russia, Iran and China in the elite world of caviar. The nation has become the island, which is famous for its tropical beaches and lemon now the first producer in Africa.Black gold“Luxury appetite that sells more than $ 5,000 per kilogram.

What started in 2009 as an ambitious gambling by three French entrepreneurs-Delphine and Christophe Dabiziz, along with their friend Alexander Ghweirier-turned into growing works that challenge the traditional countries that produce caviar. Their company, ACIPENSERProducing Caviar RovaWhich has already made her presence in restaurants that Michelin succeeded in Europe.

Photo: Rova Caviar Madagascar

What is caviar?

Caviar is not just food – it’s a symbol. Black pearls and shiny pearls are stuffing eggs, a long -awaited appetite ring enjoyed by dions, kings, and those who have deep pockets. Thanks to its salty and light taste and walnut tones, the real caviar comes from wild puffs such as Beluga, Oseetra and Sevruga, which are mostly found in the areas of the Ceephone and the Black Sea.

However, the dominance of the Caspian Sea is not the same before. With the decrease in the population of Hafash due to excessive fishing, the industry has moved towards organized agriculture.

Photo: Caviar Hub

Despite the modern inventions, the caviar cultivation process is accurate in a scene. Stugeton cultivation requires great care, with ultrasound scannings to determine the perfect moment of ROE harvest. Although there are 27 known species of stuffing, the rarest and the most expensive are the Sturgeon Beluga, which can be the rate of return on shareholders ’rights up to $ 20,000 per kilogram.

Rova Caviar also appeared in Madagascar as an unexpected competitor, proving that its controlled agriculture is reshaping the industry. Although there is no doubt that the island has withdrawn from what appeared impossible one day, the real question is how the tropical island managed to storm the caviar world – which was dominated by Russia and Iran recently.

The trip begins

The turning point came when Delphin, who was staying in Madagascar for more than three decades, along with its partners, discovered a perfect location: Lake Mantasoa, at a height of 1400 meters above sea level.

Unlike the cold Caspian Sea, where the stuffing grows at a very slow pace due to low temperatures, the climate of the moderate lake Mantasoa has proven at a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius, as it changes toys. Here, the fish grew faster, which is the fastest generation of caviar without affecting quality. The trip was not easy, of course. The first attempts to import the eggs of Hafsha from France did not succeed, but in 2013, the trio finally managed to import 35,000 eggs to Madagascar.

Photo: Rova Caviar Madagascar

Fast forward until today, and ACIPENSER is home to more than 60,000 fish, including six stuffing strains that deserve their weight in gold, Russian, Siberian, and stars, among others. The company issues male puffs to local fishermen (because they do not produce caviar), while female fossils are sponsored to produce caviar in modern jumpsuit before being transferred to the lake. Each fish may take up to ten years to reach its full size.

Caviar’s good quality guarantee requires a dangerous investment. The farm containers specially designed from 31 miles of the rope took a whole month for construction. The cost of fish feeding properly is $ 130,000 per month, but cutting angles is not an option either because the thickness of the stuffing that was not lucky takes twice to develop it, which delays production further.

Once Roe is ready, ultrasound scannings are determined at the perfect harvesting time. Each egg is properly cleaned and sorted. Distical eggs that do not meet the company’s standards are removed to ensure that the best quality caviar is removed. Then it is salted for the eggs before cooling it for four months, allowing them to develop the distinctive walnut flavor that distinguishes Caviar Rova from the rest.

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In storming the global market

The company witnessed the first eggs to hatch in fish in 2017, and by 2019, Caviar Madagascar appeared for the first time on the world stage – barely after two years of its initial production. 90 % of its production today ends up in the European continent, and it was welcomed in 15 Michelin star restaurants.

Photo: Reuters

But the company does not stop there. By 2027, Rova Caviar expects to produce the most caviar. With its smooth texture and unparalleled taste, Beluga Caviar can sell for up to $ 20,000 per kilogram. If things go according to the plan, you will not be an unexpected player in the caviar industry – it will be a force that must be calculated.

Social influence

Acipenser undoubtedly transforms the luxurious food scene in Africa, but also focuses on the social welfare of African society. More than 80 % of the company’s workforce comes from the surrounding area, where employees receive free housing (complete with gyms and small theaters), medical insurance, and three meals per day. In a country where it is difficult to obtain a stable work, the company does not only offer jobs, but also a future.

Madagascar’s success with “Black Gold” is not just an agricultural victory – it is the story of determination and creativity. In the long -standing market by the forces in the ancient world, this nation made the island to attend Africa, and put the continent on the map for the distinctive appetite in the world.

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