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The intruder enhances the “Intel” free intelligence platform with the Cve description created from artificial intelligence

Intel by Inteuder is now using Amnesty International to give the context of NVD descriptions, helping security teams to evaluate risks faster. Dakhil, leader in Manage the surface of the attackI launched descriptions created from artificial intelligence for weaknesses and common exposure (CVES) within the free weakness platform, Intel.

This new feature enhances the ability of cybersecurity to quickly understand and evaluate gaps, and to address the common pain point: mysterious and technical descriptions that you often provide National Weak Database (NVD).

With the publication of thousands of weaknesses every year, security teams depend on NVD as a major resource to search for CVES. However, NVD descriptions lack clarity or context frequently, which makes it difficult to determine the potential effect on a glance. Intel summaries convert NVD descriptions into clear, brief and implementable visions, helping the difference to evaluate risks faster.

“The management of weakness is difficult enough without the additional complexity of deciphering the hidden Cve descriptions,” said Chris Walis, CEO and founder of the intruder. “With an Antiques of artificial intelligence, we are making it easy for security professionals to measure the weakness of weakness and determine the procedure that must be taken.”

In addition, internal security experts in infiltrators review the descriptions of artificial intelligence of the most weak points. This CVES, which experts, have clearly reviewed in Intel, with a sticker “Check by the Cross”.

Intel, which is completely free for use, provides already strong features like a Nutrition in the actual time of the Apostles TradingA unique noise degree of 100, and An in -depth analysis of the security team in the intruder. Adding Cve descriptions created by AI enhances Intel value as a specialized resource for cybersecurity.


Cve descriptions created from artificial intelligence are now available within Intel in Cyber ​​security professionals can reach Intel for free today. For more information, users visit Or follow the intruder LinkedIn and twitter.

About the intruder

Intruder It was founded in 2015 to solve the excessive download crisis in the weakness of the weakness. Its mission of the first day was to help divide the needles of the straw pile, focusing on what matters, while ignoring the rest. Effective cybersecurity revolves around obtaining the basics properly. The intruder helps in doing this, saving time on easy things, so that users can focus on the rest. He was granted to multiple bodies, and was chosen to the Cyber ​​Accessor Corporation, and she is now proud to have more than 3000 happy customers around the world.

This story was distributed as a version by CyberNewswire as part of the Hackernoon commercial blogging program. Learn more about the program here

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