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News and analysis on encrypted currencies, Blockchain and decentralized financing

Encryption He was met Massimo de RosaCountry Manager Bitpanda Italy to discuss the stock exchange plans to address Mika organization And more.

How to describe the current moment of the encryption market? Are we at a stage of solid recovery, or are we still seeing signs of uncertainty?

We need to go back and look at what happened in the cryptocurrency market since last year. We have already gone through a huge growth period, and there are many positive factors that will determine what will happen after that.

Only last year, we witnessed the introduction of investment funds circulating in the encrypted currency, adoption by major institutions, and the largest organizational clarity in the United States thanks to the new administration and the European Union thanks to Micar.

Therefore, with regard to encrypted currencies, I think we are in the moment of a bull. However, we must take into account the fact that the global economy faces a period of uncertainty, and this affects all asset categories.

This period of uncertainty in the market highlighted the flexibility of cryptocurrencies and the impact of institutional funds on reducing total volatility. Once the situation stabilizes, we will be able to get a clearer idea of ​​the long -term track of the Criptovalute market.

How does the dependence of cryptocurrencies in Italy develop compared to other European countries? What are the main barriers and opportunities?

Along with Yougov, we assembled a poll found that in Italy, on average, nearly one of every ten people are already investing in encrypted currencies, but this number rises to 16 % for thousands of millennium and 13 % for Gen Z.

These numbers highlight a great difference in Italy between the investment habits of young generations compared to the previous organs, with only 8 % of the X -generation, which currently has encrypted currencies and only 4 % of children’s children.

The accreditation of cryptocurrencies in Italy grows rapidly, and is fueled by a strong attention from both retail investors and institutions. However, challenges such as organizational uncertainty, consumer protection and education are still obstacles to full adoption. By addressing these issues through a clearer organization, institutional participation, and education, Italy can continue to lead the road in the European cryptocurrency revolution.

Europe is progressing with the organization. What are the effects that you will have on companies such as Bitpanda and the growth of the sector in Italy?

MICA (markets in encrypted assets) is definitely an essential step for Europe in an attempt to create a clear organizational framework for encrypted currencies and relevant financial tools. Europe now has a set of rules that each company must follow, and investors can clearly know who follows the rules and not.

Bitpanda has already obtained a Micar license from German and Maltese organizational authorities. Michar provides one regulatory system for the cryptocurrency sector, allowing for Encryption To work with one license in 27 countries.

This reduces complexity and costs, while at the same time provides a clear path to expand our offer to more markets. We have put the pre -emptive approach to Bitpanda in the organization, which is reflected in the current 17 licenses, including a PSD2 license for electronic funds and MIFID II, as one of the most reliable platforms in the Taurus sector.

The Micar Bitpanda license allows to provide a full range of leading products in industry, with retail and institutional sales services, throughout the European Union.

Do you see more interest in institutional investors in Italy? What assets or financial products are encrypted more than others?

Yes, certainly, the interest of institutional investors has increased significantly in the past 12 months. The approval of the investment funds circulating in the United States was an important factor, but we are also witnessing an increase in institutions that add cryptocurrencies to their public budgets. BTC and ETH are the sects, thanks to their presence in the applicable market, the market cover, and their liquidity.

Another important thing that we see is to increase interest from financial institutions to create their own offers for the digital assets of retailers.

We have already formed a partnership with many important institutions to provide it with the infrastructure needed for this purpose through Bitpanda technology solutions (BTS). By cooperating with us, these institutions can launch their own commercial solutions within only 3 months, within their own application, using our technology.

In this case, the request is a clear sign of the importance of the digital assets of retailers: in simple phrases, these institutions know that if they do not provide a solution, their customers will search for that elsewhere. Our solution is already estimated by major European banks such as LBBW (the largest government bank in Germany), the Raiffeisen Banking Group (the largest retail banking group in Austria), and 26 (the leading European Neobank).

What is the level of financial education on encryption in Italy? Does Bitpanda do something to improve knowledge of the sector between retailers?

In Italy, financial literacy related to encrypted currencies grows, but it remains a required field. According to a survey conducted by the mediator (OAM), the average financial literacy level in Italy is 4 out of 10, which indicates a limited understanding of financial concepts, including encrypted currencies.

To fill this gap, Bitpanda has launched many educational initiatives aimed at retail investors, such as Bitpanda Academy. It is an educational platform that offers courses on personal financing, investments, encrypted currencies, blocs and security. Users can reach the organizing courses to overcome various aspects of the financial world and encrypted currencies.

What are the main goals of Bitpanda for the year 2025, both on the European level or specifically for the Italian market?

In the next 12 months, we aim to enhance our position as a pioneer in the market in Europe throughout the European Union. With micar, we are in a unique position to reach 450 million people. In addition, we will expand at least a new market outside the European Union, and open new growth opportunities.

We also plan to provide new products and accelerate the international expansion of the B2B width through Bitpanda Technology solutions (BTS), which is the leading infrastructure provider of digital assets. Interest grows from banks, financial institutions and Fintech quickly, and many are looking to take advantage of our white solution to provide cryptocurrency services to their customers.

For Italy, in particular, we want to develop products that meet the specific needs of Italian investors. In the past ten years, we have learned that every market is different, and if we want to provide the best possible experience for users in Italy, we must listen to their needs and meet them.

I recently expanded the offer using new financial products. Which of them asks more than users and how do they differ compared to competitors?

Bitpanda offers its users a wide range of products designed to be used by investors who use different strategies and methods in the market. These products include: stokeing, leverage, savings plans, and a series of cryptocurrencies. In addition, we offer the widest group of encrypted currencies in the market, with more than 500 coins, as well as Bitpanda stocks, circulating investment boxes, precious metals, and commodities.

Recently, we have launched a new product aimed at more experienced investors: Bitpanda Fusion. Bitpanda Fusion supports trading strategies within the day and a large size with a competitive fee for drawings, advanced chart analysis tools, and visions, which ultimately provides expert traders tools necessary to implement their strategies with confidence.

Various products are estimated by different traders. Although our savings plans allow investors to purchase their automatically selected assets every month and support a more negative approach, Fusion is designed to support a very active trading strategy. The difference lies in our group. We have products designed for every merchant, regardless of their experience or approach, all on a safe, reliable and organized platform.

It has formed many partnerships with banks and Fintech. How important are these alliances for Pepanda’s growth in Europe?


Partnerships with banks and technology are the main component of our strategy to develop our presence in Europe and provide more people with safe assets to digital assets. Thanks to these partnerships, the total number of final users who can access digital assets through Bitpanda’s infrastructure is now more than 30 million, not the account of people who invest directly with Bitpanda.

By working with financial institutions, we can provide people with access to financial markets from within their current banking or investment requests, allowing them to access a wide range of best assets and products.

These alliances allow Bitpanda to reach new markets, improve product offer, increase credibility, and enable our partners to provide a solution quickly and keep up with customer request.

How do you imagine the future of Bitpanda and the encryption industry in the next 5-10 years?

Growth, integration and adoption will determine the ten years from the sector. We are right at the beginning of the real path of integrated currency, and as we see more institutions and governments adopt the capabilities of the sector, everything will change.

For Bitpanda, our way is very clear. We will continue to innovate to develop new products, expand our offers to new markets, and continue to cooperate with financial institutions that share our vision for safe access to digital assets.

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