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How to be designed and built, a soft robot


(1) Jorge Francisco Garcia-Samartin, Centro de automatic Yar Robotica (UPM-CSIC), University of Politecnica de Madrid-Consejo Superior DE Investigaciones Cientıficas, Jose Josier Abiasal 2, 28006 Madrid, Spain (Spain)[email protected]);

(2) Adrian Rieker, Centro De Automatica y Robotica (UPM-CSIC), Universidad Politecnica De Madrid-Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientıficas, Jose Guterres Abiasal 2, 28006 Madrid, Spain;

(3) Antonio Barrientos, Centro De Automatica Y Robotica (Upm-CSIC), Universidad Politecnica de Madrid-Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientıficas, Jose Guterres Abiasal 2, 28006 Madrid, Spain.

Abstract and 1 introduction

2 relevant business

2.1 Air operation

2.2 Aerobic weapons

2.3 Control of soft robots

3 Paul: Design and Manufacturing

3.1 Robot design

3.2 Choose materials

3.3 Manufacturing

3.4 operating bank

4 Gain data and control the open episode

4.1 Device Preparing

4.2 vision capture system

4.3 Data set generation: table -based models

4.4 Open ring control

5 results

5.1 final version of Paul

5.2 Analysis of the work area

5.3 Perform the models based on the table

5.4 Bending experiments

5.5 Weight experiences

6 conclusions

Finance information

A. Experiments and references

3.3 Manufacturing

The first step in the manufacturing process is to obtain the waxy nuclei that is used, when included in the template, to create holes for what will be, in the final part, bladder. These are made by pouring paraffin wax in a former female mold (Figure 5A).

After half an hour, the wax is established and the nuclei can be removed and inserted into the mold (Figure 5b). The mold consists of four three -dimensional printed parts (two sides, a bottom hat and a higher fist on which the nuclei is rest) that is fixed together and then stamped with a hot silicone seed to prevent leakage during subsequent treatment (Figure 5C).

Table 2. Various silicon parameters that have been tested.Table 2. Various silicon parameters that have been tested.

Figure 5. Complete the process of manufacturing urine. (A) Bladder manufacturing. (B) The mold group. ( (D) Silicon treatment. (E) Remove the extra parts. (F) melting wax in the oven. (G) Boys in boiling water. (H) Seal the bottom of the mold. (I) Pipe laying. Source: Authors.Figure 5. Complete the process of manufacturing urine. (A) Bladder manufacturing. (B) The mold group. ( (D) Silicon treatment. (E) Remove the extra parts. (F) melting wax in the oven. (G) Boys in boiling water. (H) Seal the bottom of the mold. (I) Pipe laying. Source: Authors.

Silicon can then be poured into the mold, which must be filled up to face the aforementioned contraction. In particular, Tinsil8015 requires the mass ratio from 10: 1 liquid to the catalyst. For the dimensions of the sector, about 175 g of the total mixture is needed.

The processing process lasts 24 hours at the surrounding temperature (Figure 5D), after which it can be removed from the mold. It may be necessary to use a scalpel to remove silicone attacks (Figure 5E).

Once the part is built, the cores used to create the bladder are removed. While the wood can be removed by clouds, it is necessary to apply heat on the part to remove the wax. Thus, it is first placed in an oven at 110 ° C (Figure 5F) and then immersed in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, ensuring the remaining effects of wax (Figure 5G).

Since the males are passed, it is required to close the bottom of the sector. To do this, a layer of silicone is poured on a 5H plate, attached to the part and left for treatment for 24 hours. Finally, the air pipes are linked to the part, vaccinated with Cyanoacrylate and enhance the tight using plastic lips (Figure 5I).

The end result, the functional part is clarified in Figure 6. In terms of experimental aspect, it was found that its weight is 161 g and that it is designed, with a height of 100 mm and an external diameter of 45 mm.

Figure 6. The final part. Source: Authors.Figure 6. The final part. Source: Authors.

3.4 operating bank

Inside the robot, the function of the air seat is controlling the compressed air flow from the compressor according to the control signals. Specifically, the urine seat consists of 6 pairs of 2/2 valves (SMC VDW20Bz1D model) and 3/2 valves (SMC Y100 model) in the chain, which will allow up to 12 degrees of freedom. Both appear in Figure 7. The physical properties of the valves 2/2 limit the total pressure of the assembly to 4 bar, but to reduce the risk of the sector leakage, it was reduced with the flow regulator to 2 tapes. Figure 8 displays a schematic circuit.

Figure 7. Paul Paul Arctuent Bench (A) 2/2 valves. (B) 3/2 valves. Source: Authors.Figure 7. Paul Paul Arctuent Bench (A) 2/2 valves. (B) 3/2 valves. Source: Authors.

The valves are turned on 24 volts of voltage signals. MOSFET (IRF540 Model) is the key responsible for its management. Initially, the use of the aboves was seen, but the high current that they will consume made their use is not possible. Arduino is chosen as the bench controller. The PC power provider, who is able to provide up to 8.5 A, is responsible for operating the unit, whose final layout is clarified in Figure 9.

Figure 8. Planning of the air circuit. Source: Authors.Figure 8. Planning of the air circuit. Source: Authors.

Figure 9. The final design of the air seat. Source: Authors.Figure 9. The final design of the air seat. Source: Authors.

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