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Crypto Trends

A reflection of the release of the collapse layer 1 to accelerate the dependence of the prevailing encryption in a radically


  • Like KKR – a revolution has caused the acquisitions of financial engineering shares in the 1980s, the coup aims to do the same with encryption engineering.

The highest investor of the encryption owners and the founder of the capital, reflection Santiago Rail Santos One of the largest challenges Crypto is treated. By taking advantage of the Avalanche’s Layer 1 (L1) capabilities, it aims to transfer traditional companies to Blockchand bars.

“We know that companies can radically improve their operations and performance by moving ONSAIN. L1 reflection will be allocated to nourish the world’s first private stock strategy, gain and consolidate traditional companies on our series. Santos says:” Berkshire Onsin. ”

“User’s journey at Crypto today is broken because it is centered on pure speculation,” He says Santos. “We can do better. The memes are cold but we sell ourselves short as an industry. We care about one thing: real GDP onchain.”

Coup: Solve the Crypto GTM problem and bring real GDP onchain

Instead of compete for the technical minutiae or the tribal tendency in the industry, the distinction of reflection comes from solving the biggest problem in Crypto: Going to the market.

Instead of spending time trying to persuade companies to adopt encryption, the reflection aims to achieve something more radical-the first strategy for original private shares. Just like KKR – revolutionized the acquisitions of financial engineering shares in the 1980s, the coup aims to do the same with encryption engineering. The goal is to show the world that Crypto is not just a group of speculative assets – it is an operating system that can make companies operate faster, better and cheaper.

Payed by the opinion that companies can significantly improve their operations through Blockchain, the coup aims to: (1) Getting traditional companies; (2) Replacing ineffective infrastructure and systems with encryption bars; (3) Create industry leaders with the best margins in their class; And (4) Building the largest economy on Onchain to take advantage of DePin, Stablecoins, Defi Primitives, and other original Blockchain innovations.

The reflection seeks to obtain works with a fixed distribution and a sticky base. This creates a founding platform to stimulate users in ONSAIN through basic services such as mobile phone, banking services and the Internet where the infrastructure for encryption is invisible for the final user, but it provides unique products such as stablecoins. Consumers all over the world want to reach Stablecoins, and are provided by the best in the market through the basic services they use daily.

Technology is ready. The time now.

Technology here, and time is correct. Reflection does not wait negatively that the dependence of the encryption occurs. They actively make this on Avalanche L1.

“Avalanche combines the best aspects of Blockchain,” says Morgan Krobtsky, head of institutions and capital markets at AVA LABS. “The flexibility and innovation of the infrastructure of the general infrastructure through allocation and control from end to end when needed is the place where Avalanche aims to provide widespread foundations.”

“Building the acquisition channel for the largest and most efficient customer encryption requires high -performance and customized infrastructure, and a well -built sovereign block space with other ecosystems. On a journey to choose a technology partner, Avalanche has become a clear choice. Besides technological aspects, Avalanche has better. A business development team is very compatible with our mission to accelerate the dependence of encryption. ”

Why collapse? Designer innovation.

Below are some of the main reasons that Capital Capitalche choose as a basis for its ecosystem:

  • permissionAvalanche allows to reflect with the permission of their network at various levels – whether it is an auditor, a smart contract transmission, or the level of transactions – which includes greater control and safety as it is needed.
  • privacyFor sensitive data, Avalanche provides the privacy of the wallet and transactions, and maintains the confidentiality of users while taking advantage of Urc usually accepted standards.
  • EVM compatibility: If it is published on the Ethereum network or another network based on EVM, it is easy to post on Avalanche. This will generally allow a reflection to easily draw builders and additional assets to its ecosystem.
  • The original interim operation: With the original inter -operational operation between the Avalanche L1 Blockchains, the current infrastructure can easily integrate and build critical systems without re -invention of the wheel.
  • Easy launch: a result Avalanche9000 Network upgrade, Avalanche L1s has become simply more customized, inexpensive for launch, smoother to maintain it, and faster to offer to the market.
  • Avoiding the symbolic customization of gas and gasAvalanche allows builders to allocate gas, symbols and symbols. The reflection can lead to the status of the audit group in creative ways, while bringing a concrete benefit and value to its original symbol.

Uplogging adoption

Crypto is not just a class separation – it’s the operating system for the future of business. By combining Blockchain at the infrastructure level, the reflection will show that the true value of Crypto is not speculation – it makes companies operate more efficiently.

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