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Gibraltar is freezing a court of $ 7 million of distinctive symbols in the interior of the interior of Crypto Gaming

Ready makers in the United States say it has won by court to freeze the distinctive symbols from its Gibraltar, which is Ready Maker, which claims to have lost control.

Web3 Gaming Gaming Makers Inc. says. The Supreme Court in Gibraltar handed it over a victory and freezing it at a value of $ 7 million from its encrypted currency amid litigation against the local subsidiary.

Ready makers in the United States, which works as ready games, in a legal dispute with a ready -made maker (Gibraltar) Limited, and its CEO, Christina Massideo, for the allegations that the company seized and its game symbol, which is used as rewards by games using its platform.

Games ready He said In a statement on February 11, approximately 440 million playing symbols-nearly half of the distinguished supplies-were delivered to the guardian of the court in his case against a ready-made maker headquartered by Gibraltar, who works as a game.

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