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The “Hitch” Braunststone’s scene was filmed at the foot of Sarah Jessica Parker

  • An unforgettable scene was created in “Hitch” on the day when he was shot.
  • The director of “Hitch” and Tenant reached the scene to accommodate the idea of ​​Star Will Smith.
  • The scene was filmed on the threshold of Sarah Jessica Parker.

The 2005 romantic comedy “Hitch” is filled with unforgettable scenes, but the most distinctive comedy was not even in the original text.

Andy Tennant, by director Andy Tinant, told Inston that the scene, which is helping Dr. Will Smith in the history of Smith “Hitchens” in showing his client Albert (Kevin James) how a woman walks to her door, was very different.

Initially, Hitch and Albert were simply walking on a brown stone in New York City, which was interacting with the news that Albert was filmed while dancing with Amber Valletta, the woman who is trying to attract.

“The scene was originally in this street only three or four lines,” Tenant told Bi. “We were doing a company moving elsewhere.”

Will Smith shows Kevin James newspaper

Will Smith and Kevin James in “Hitch”.


But Smith thought the site was a “great street”, and he suggested making a larger scene.

“Now, he is right, but this too,” Oh, there goes to the table, “Tinant said.

With any movie, it is scheduled to shoot what is written in the text program. The sites and photography permits are secured, and production sets have become camera settings and lighting to make what is on the page real on the screen. Changing plans at the last minute can be a logistical nightmare.

For more complexity, Amy Pascal, then chairman, was flying for dinner with Tennant and Samith that night, creating a more strict time crisis: “Now we are out of bars and we have to reach something.”

The rest of the day is allocated to create a scene from scratch.

“We start talking, and in some way the conversation turns into, in New York City, do you say goodbye to someone at the bottom of the stairs, or do you walk a person to their door if it is a brown stone?” Then he began to say things about 90 and 10: a 90 % man goes to the road, and the woman goes by 10 % on a first kiss. So we spoiled it a little, then someone reached Jingling keys and then Kevin was wandering in some things.

Hitch Colubia Pictures

Kevin James wants to show Will Smith magic.

Colombia photos

But there was also another issue. The film had no permission to shoot in front of any brown stones on the street. So Tinant and Samith took matters with their hands.

“Woe and went to the stone of Bani we loved it, and we walked to the door, and we knocked on the door to see if we could obtain permission to shoot there, and it turned out that Sarah Jessica Parker’s house,” said Tinant. It was still in a shock that the star of the “bad children” was on the doorstep of her door.

“So it was like,” hello! “And we were like,” Hello, can we shoot the threshold of your house? “It was like,” Oh, yes. “

Smith and Boker representatives did not respond to BI requests to comment.

In about four in the afternoon, after Tinant and one of the producers wrote three or four drafts of the scene, they thought they had decreased. But Smith was hesitant.

“Kevin James tells him, it’s really funny. It will be a good scene,” Tinant recalls. “Thank God for Kevin, because he got a torrent to shoot him.”

The scene has become the most unforgettable moment in the movie, as Hitch Albert knows how to walk a woman to her door and participate in a first kiss, just Albert to be carried out in playing roles and ends up kissing the obstacle on the lips.

“We shot a scene of five and a half pages in three hours, then we went for dinner with Amy Pascal,” Tinant said in astonishment.

Making a “obstacle” was full of complexity and frustration, but sometimes he rewarded accidents like this. Tennant described the entire shooting as a “battle”, to convince Smith to take the scene of Ellis Island to get out the scene of the wedding of the movie that ends in flying.

After the shooting, Tinant Bi told that he had contacted his wife and told her that he believed that he would destroy his career and Will Smith.

In fact, the movie has become a box office success. The $ 70 million comedy was the largest opening weekend ever for ROM-Com at the time and continued to get more than $ 371 million worldwide.

“There were some discussions, but there were really funny things,” Tinant said. “It was a ground journey.”

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