gtag('config', 'G-0PFHD683JR');

WLLITIQ (WLTQ) announces the launch of Beta Platform, where it is expected to be sold before the specified date before the appointment

While countless encryption projects are struggling to move from concept to reality, this platform actually works. The version of the beta platform is an important milestone, which proves that the vision behind WLITIQ (WLTQ) is not only a theory – it is tangible. This is not just another prior. It is a built start to last.

Safety is a top priority, and this distinctive symbol provides confidence that enhances investors. In an industry where smart weaknesses and piracy accidents speak billions of costs, WLITIQ (WLTQ) takes a pre -emptive approach to protecting its ecological system. Auditing is more than just a formal procedure-it is a strict evaluation that maintains the smart contracts that operate this court platform that AI drives, and protect users from possible exploits.

But safety does not stop at the code level. the Biometric authentication The feature offers an additional layer of protection, making unauthorized access almost impossible. With the completion of fingerprints and facial recognition, users can secure their assets.

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