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UNISWAP for the first time to expand the expansion of Ethereum

The UniSWAP LABS officially launched The Mainnet of Unichain, Blockchain Ethereum Layer-2 dedicated. This step places the UniswAP in direct competition with other L2 solutions such as arbitrary, base, abuse and ribs, as it aims to enhance expansion and user experience within the ethereum ecosystem.

UNICHAIN ​​is increasingly enters the L2 market, as players such as expression, base and mushroom have already been of great dependence. According to COININGKO’s TVL classifications, Base is currently leading slightly more than $ 3 billion, followed by an expression of about $ 2.7 billion and a price at $ 762 million.


Despite the competition, Hayden Adams, the founder of UISWAP, High Unichain capabilities. The project has already witnessed the participation of 80+ DEFI applications and services, and Testnet processing processing more than 100 million transactions before the launch of Mainnet.

UNICHAIN ​​Market L2 enters

With the total total value of more than $ 5 billion, UNISWAP is a huge power in the DEFI space, and with the launch of UNICHIN’s expansion signals in the infrastructure infrastructure, it corresponds to its long -term vision to improve decentralized financial efficiency.

The introduction of a special L2 solution is expected to increase the productivity of transactions, reduce Ethereum congestion, and open new revenue flows.

Read more: UNISWAP achieves a monthly registration of $ 38 billion on Ethereum Layer-2S

Unichain, which was in the test since October 2024, is designed to provide low transaction fees, faster settlement times, and the integration of non -welded liquidity with the infrastructure of the decentralized exchange in UISWAP. Unichain is designed using the OP OPTLY Mix, a network of optimistic Superchain, a network of interconnected L2S that improves interconnection and expansion of ETHEREUM based applications.

The new UISWAP road map includes many upcoming upgrades, including flashblock Flash, improved bridges and messaging systems for smooth transport via L2S.

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