Dealing with a simple aggressive director than you think

The aggressive managers are not easy. It may make you work with them, you feel confused, your self -doubt and reduce the value of yourself.
It is like running on a walking device that never stops.
Big, better goals.
More responsibilities.
Top predictions.
Only when you are about to be a sigh of relief, a new challenge is thrown on your way. You are afraid to come to the office with anxiety, which awaits you and how you almost make it all day.
Play along with an aggressive manager by surrendering to their demands not only causes ruin to your confidence, as it makes you hate the work that you loved at first.
The aggressive person fights. The negative escapes away. But the firm person stands on the ground, evaluates the situation, adapts, and behaves with the goal and passion. That person is.
– Charles Femin
While aggressive managers are difficult, they are not impossible to work with them. With the right strategies, you can turn them with learn valuable lessons along the way.
Do not make an aggression for the sake of toxicity
The aggressive manager is not bad news because it can help accelerate your career by enabling you to build the skills that will serve you well throughout your career.
It can teach you to deal with high pressure situations well, and staying flexible in facing challenges and turning obstacles into opportunities.
But it is important to distinguish between the manager who is interested in your name from the person who only thinks about himself.
Do they challenge you, and they expect you to pay the borders and strive for excellence, or are they presenting toxic behaviors such as screaming, manipulation, bullying, exploiting the borders and other harmful behaviors that harm your mental health and your personal well -being?
The aggression may sometimes be wrong for the toxicity, especially if your manager’s expectations challenge you to get out of your comfort area.
Even if it means well, their leadership, design and passion can sometimes be hard.
It is difficult to find managers who challenge you and push you to seek excellence. So, stop blaming, complaining and crying, and looking for ways to agree with them on mutual acceptable goals.
To do this, start with understanding what motivates them to be in this way by drilling in a deeper way and meeting their non -verbal signs (tone, sound, hand gestures, facial expressions):
- Is it their need to control?
- Do they tend to give priority to the results on relationships?
- Do they usually start as firm, direct and fast to make decisions?
- Do they tend to cancel the opinions of others because they want to do things on their way?
- Do you work with urgency and expect efficiency in every interaction?
Understanding the source of your manager’s aggression or specific behaviors proves that it can enable you to find ways to work with them instead of wasting time to resent them or feel sorry for yourself.
Stay in control
Work can leave you with an aggressive manager that feels unable, despair and out of control.
Lack of control can make you adopt the goal of self -defeat. You could:
- Responding to their aggression with aggression.
- In a state of self -compassion by feeling sorry for your position without doing anything to improve your situation.
- He refused to make an effort with the mentality that it will not be good enough.
- Site when you press a road barrier or face a challenge to face unexpected situations.
The desire to obtain more control can be the need to take the necessary steps to restore this control, one of the biggest hidden reasons
Lack of control leads to creating a ring of avoidance, disability and discomfort, which leads to more failure to work and a self -achieved prophecy in your own beliefs.
To feel control, shift from anxiety circle to the circle of influence.
The anxiety circle includes things that you care about, but do not judge them. Spending time and energy here can lead to insufficient feelings, impotence and increase feelings of abuse.
The control circuit includes things you have direct control and things that you may not completely control, but it can affect important ways. Spending time and energy here can improve mental health, build flexibility and enhance public well -being.
For example, you cannot control what your manager says or do, but you can control how to react to it.
“Permanent people focus their efforts in the circle of influence. They are working on things they can do something.
Impressive people focus their efforts in the circle of anxiety. They focus on the weakness of others, the problems in the environment, and the conditions they do not have control. Their focus results in blaming positions, charges, interactive language and increasing feelings of harm. The negative energy resulting from this focus, along with neglect in the areas where they can do something, leads to a shrinking circle of influence. “
Stephen R. coffee
It becomes proactive. Never stop believing in your ability to influence the result. Leave things out of your will, and turn your energy into things that you can change or influence.
Choose words carefully
While talking to an aggressive director, the words you choose play an important role in determining whether your manager listens to you or ignores your concerns.
The use of the language of confrontation or defensive arguments can lead to negative feelings that can intensify its aggression and make it turn against you.
Also, saying things in a way that challenges their authority or coincides with rude and disrespect makes them more likely to adhere to their original argument even when they know that you are right and they are wrong.
Be aware of your language to avoid an escalation of stress. no:
- Use generalization words such as “always” and “never.” They may cause more conflict.
- Use the words that challenge their character, such as bad, requirement, and rude.
- Passing the ruling with words such as error, failure, unacceptable.
- He accused them or blamed them for things like “you are wrong” or “it’s your mistake.”
- Use a satirical tone or confrontation.
- Pass the data that undermines its authority.
- Use emotionally charged language like silly, ridiculous, compassionate, useless.
Any attempt to attack, defense or withdraw will work against you. Instead, you must restrict these interactive inclinations, find courage to stand on your land, then move forward in the face of this specific opposition.
– Rick Brinckmann
Use a calm neutral language. It appears in a confident tone of sound and positive body language. Speak in an unprecedented way. Slowly remember your fears, opinions, or anything you need to say.
instead of: It is impossible to do in this time frame.
He says: I have concerns about the proposed timelines to end this project. Although I understand the need to move quickly, the reason we should not adhere to it …
instead of: It will never work.
He says: I understand why you tend to this option. It is definitely very useful for business. However, we also need to evaluate risks and influence business if it does not succeed. Here is why I think this may be a challenge …
When you coincide with a calm and confident to others, they somewhat respond. It also guarantees the reception of your message well and it was not ignored as soon as it comes out of your mouth.
Find their advice
Most aggressive managers lead in a strong opinion, which means that they have not only a great appreciation of their ideas, but also appreciate those who are looking for them.
When incompatible with an aggressive manager or share your concerns, instead of completing your thoughts, look for their opinion.
Their advice requests their minds from a problem to a solution. When it is placed immediately to answer a difficult question or make a difficult decision, they are more likely to be rational and less biases and may agree to your opinion.
You don’t have to satisfy them in order to be loved or get something of them. Be real when seeking advice because they can go out when you are authentic and when you manipulate it to make it on your way.
To be nice to prevent you from defending yourself, honesty with others, creating deeper relationships, or expressing yourself boldly in the world.
– Aziz Gazepura
Framing your fears or questions in a way that invites them to share their ideas without getting defensive.
What is your point of view in …?
How do you deal with …?
What will you do in this situation …?
What is your suggestion?
Getting your manager’s advice is a great way to redirect their ideas in the direction you want. Even thinking about your question makes it likely to tend to your suggestions or the results you want.
Connect your limits
The aggressive managers enjoy the limitless freedom because it enables them to manipulate your time and energy in ways that suit them.
Your personal boundaries include setting limits and setting expectations about what you want and will not tolerate it.
The unprecedented boundaries are often invisible – it is easy to violate because it is based on the experience of every person’s life. If your manager is aggressive, then the boundaries are not a recipe for disaster.
It is clear that setting these boundaries is important because your manager cannot give you what you need unless you take the initiative and continue your priorities and expectations clearly.
To do this, connect your needs by identifying health limits and discussing them with your manager:
- What is not negotiable-the things you will not give up. If this is not fulfilled, it will significantly affect your well -being.
- What are some things that you win and ready to change it if he requested that position?
- What kind of responsibilities can you deal with and the type of tasks that are not in line with your goals?
- What are your limits – the things you can achieve realistically.
The boundaries inevitably include responsibility for your choices. You are the person who makes them. You are the person who should live with their consequences. And you are the person who may prevent yourself from making the options that you may be happy with.
Henry Claude
Determining the borders will send a clear signal to your manager as you want and will not tolerate it. If your manager refuses to respect them, it may be time to quit smoking. Anything that harms your mental well -being is not worth it.
- Working with an aggressive manager has positives and negatives. On the one hand, they can teach you valuable skills (flexibility, negotiation, excellence) that can help you excel in your career. On the other hand, surrender to all their demands can make you stressful, upset and may lead to fatigue.
- Understanding your manager’s intention is an important thing because it helps you to determine whether your manager’s aggression is in line with the desire to help you learn, grow and excel or only care about achieving results without any consideration of its impact on your career.
- You are more likely to feel that you are developing when working with an aggressive manager is a feeling of lack of control. You may feel only two options – either you agree to their demands or quit smoking. This thinking prevents you from finding fruitful ways to work with them. To develop a feeling of control in difficult situations, shift from the control circle to the effect circle. Learn what you can do to influence their decision and what you should leave.
- When connecting your dispute or expressing your anxiety, pay attention to your words in particular. You play how to talk to them an important role in determining whether your message has been taken into constructively or misunderstood and then used in a negative way towards you.
- A great way to ask your manager’s attention is to ask for their advice. It makes them more vulnerable to hearing your thoughts, fears, suggestions, and agreeing to a solution in line with your goals.
- Do not blame your aggressive manager for not respecting your borders if you have not explicitly informed her. It guarantees the boundaries with them to be concerned with your needs instead of failing what you consider correct or assumes that it is good for your sleep.
This story was published here. Follow me on LinkedIn or here for more stories.