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Pi Network Upgrade Sparks 9 % increase – when will Mainnet be launched?

the PI network He just promoted its protocol to Issue 19Blukchain infrastructure. While the price of the PI Coin increased by 9 % to $ 44, many investors are still wondering: When will the PI finally launch Mainnet?

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What’s new in PI Network V19?

the Pi Network v19 upgrade It brings the main improvements that enhance safety, expansion and efficiency of the comprehensive network. These changes aim to lay the foundation for a smoother transition to open Mainnet, which is still very expected by the PI community.

  • Excellent safety measures for transactions and validation of the network.
  • The ability to expand is better, and the network preparation for the possible Mainnet launch.
  • Improving the user experience for mining workers and knots operators.

While these Blockchain updates are enhanced by the PI, the truth remains that Mainnet is still not available to the public. Many users are eager to know when the decentralization and the full stocks will be possible, but at the present time, the PI is still in a major closed stage, with trading limited to IUS on the selected exchanges.

Pi Coin Trading at $ 44 – but what does that mean?

after Protocol upgrading, Coin IUS increased by 9 % It is currently trading in 44 dollars. However, it is very important to understand:

  • Pi Coin has not yet been available in the open market – still within Mainnet is closed at the present time.
  • Some exchanges, including point image, HTX, and Coinw, offer Pi Coin IUS, which does not guarantee the future price of the distinctive symbol.
  • IUS cannot be withdrawn or transferred between exchanges until the PI network is officially launched.

When will the PI Mainnet network be launched?

PI network The launch of Mainnet has been delayed several timesAnd no official launch date has been confirmed. However, with the last protocol upgrading and growing society’s expectations, the PI team is likely to approach the full Mainnet show.

It can be a reasonable estimate of the launch of Mainnet At some point in late 2025 or early 2026Depending on the speedy completion of the development team in security and compliance measures. Until then, the PI network is likely to remain in the closed Mainnet stage, preventing full exchange lists and external transfers.

Predific Pret for PI: Can PI exceed $ 200?

According to the latest price prediction for Coincodex, Coin Coin is expected to exceed $ 200 in March 2025. This projection is based on the data collected from Trading IOU, where Coin Pi is currently trading at $ 44 after an increase of 9 % after upgrading the V19 protocol.

However, it is important to deal with this prediction with caution. Since Mainnet for the PI network is still not available to the public, these IOU -based prices do not necessarily reflect that the real market value that Pi Coin will get once users can trade their distinctive symbols on stock exchanges.

The main considerations of the future price of Pi Coin:

  • The current price predictions depend only on IOU trading data.
  • Once Mainnet is launched, real supply and demand will determine the price of PI Coin.
  • Users’ ability to withdraw and trading PI currencies significantly affect price procedures.

Until the PI network is fully launched, investors must realize that the IOU -based trading does not guarantee the future evaluation of the PI and that the prices can be greatly fluctuated as soon as the real market takes over.

Final ideas: Is Pi Coin worth watching?

With the improvement of the V19 Protocol to upgrade, the project is steadily progressing. However, until Mainnet is fully launched, investors must approach Pi Coin Ious cautiously.

Main meals:

  • The PI network is upgraded to V19, improves safety and expansion.
  • Coin Coin Ious is trading at $ 44, but Mainnet is still closed.
  • The launch of the PI network may remain full months or even years.

as PI community is awaiting the launch of the long -awaited MainnetSurvival Enlightened and cautious It will be the key to making the correct investment decisions.

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