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News and analysis on encrypted currencies, Blockchain and decentralized financing

New DAPPRADAR report It provides an in -depth analysis of the decentralized applications system (DAPP) in a month January 2025.

The cryptocurrency market witnessed the beginning of the year, characterized by a shrinkage, with a decrease 6 % in daily active portfolios Compared to December, settled in 26.7 million Unique users.

DAPPRADAR 2025 report

The DAPP market witnessed a general decline, with a decrease in Games, artificial intelligence and NFT The sectors, while the only part of growth was DefiThat was picked up 28.1 % of the total active portfolioIt slightly exceeds the gaming sector in 27.8 %.

the TVL value (TVL) Among the main Blockchains, has seen a significant decrease, with ethereum loss 23.5 %Dropping to 112.9 billion dollarswhile Solana I recorded a more contained reduction 4 %Stability in 21.4 billion dollars.

Despite the decrease 27 % in trading volume NftAlmost one billion dollars, the number of sales only decreased 6 %Which indicates still interest. Hafez ethereum on the forefront 586.3 million dollars In NFT transactions, despite a decrease 37 % Compared to December.

An exciting fact related to a base Blockchain, which has seen a double NFT trading, indicates significant growth. In addition, like some groups Beyond and AD maker They stood up to the market thanks strategy AirdropWhich motivated the user activity and kept the value of the assets.

AI DAPPS: the new rising sector

Part Amnesty International He appeared as one of the main trends in January 2.2 million active portfolios Interacting with these applications, which represent 8.5 % of the total users.

This data indicates a growing interest in DAPPS based on Intelligeenza Artificiale, with development prospects that go beyond current applications.

Integration between artificial intelligence and Blockchain can represent a new stage of growth in the sector, with possibilities ranging from creation of content created from artificial intelligence to automating operations on smart contracts.



Report DAPPRADAR In January 2025, a month of transition to the DAPP market is highlighted, with a general decrease in activity but also signs of flexibility and innovation. While the NFT sector faces a stage of stability, the approval Amnesty International It can represent a new growth engine in the Blockchain scene.

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