The 2024 startups, SVEXA: Opening the Human Possibilities in accurate health and AI
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Svexa was nominated at the Hackernoon’s Awards for 2024 in Delaware, the United States under the health care category.
Read more about us to understand the reason for your voting entitlement.
** Svexa meeting
Svexa is a human performance intelligence company that combines experience in physiology, accuracy and data science with a deep understanding of technology, molecular descriptions, and practical sports performance. Our founders are international leaders in physiological sciences, and they complete contracts for experience in training international athletes on the elite. We use the installed science to cancel human capabilities by providing comprehensive and implemented visions that enable everyone to open its physical and mental capabilities.
Svexa is primarily B2B, as it serves customers between sports technology, professional teams to military, companies or public well -being. In all of these situations, ultimate users have hidden capabilities behind the mental and physical barriers that can be removed using improved data and practical solutions. We enable our customers to make their B2C products and applications more sticky, with real customization and adaptive activity. Our primary offer is the algorithm license-connection and operation in current technology. We also offer white signs and consulting programs to help new customers use human performance data.
What distinguishes your start starting from other startups for health care?
There are many things that distinguish Svexa. First, we do not simply apply Amnesty International as a tool for photographing raw numbers, and instead, we collect it with the knowledge that has proven its feasibility on the basis of decades of experience in the real world. We are also different from most of the service providers in terms of our ownership algorithms merge all relevant data sources to really build individual profiles for every person, including training response, vital signs, sleep, self -classification, and psychology. Our team not only has the technical skills in software and analyzes, but most of them also have personal experience in Elite SPORTS, training or physiology. This unique group allows us to open human capabilities in a new way and provide comprehensive and implementable visions to prepare, train and make daily decisions. We offer our vision either through software or through the application programming interface, and work with a group of B2B clients ranging from sports technology, professional teams or elite athletes to companies, national or military.
What are your most proud achievements yet?
We are proud to nominate them and won a variety of awards and awards, including winning the innovation laboratory in Werder Bremen, the Science 4football challenge, and global startup prizes. We are proud of our efficiency and bring our growth for several years, and recently we have also been able to secure multiple rounds of investment financing, which seem to be an achievement in the current environment! But besides these, of course, or the largest achievements, the first group of products was completed and delivered to customers; First First Assist Advisor App, then Ellida Enduance and Thrud Transk Provess Tews Engines and recently the Zone7 platform for team performance and risk management. We have delivered it to customers in sports technology and entertainment athletics environments, as well as professional sports teams as we showed value during the results of the year.
What lessons did you learn?
We have learned a lot, it is difficult to know where to start. Think about big lessons – it is extremely important to keep a clear vision of what you want to be. The crawling and distraction range is a real danger every day. Of course, the founders should be in a continuous discussion and reassessing what they do, but at the same time they must hand it to the market quickly. In the startup world, it was done better than perfection – get it quickly, learn from comments and repetitions. The presence of the right people around you is also vital – with the growth growth growth, everyone must adopt the spirit of change and continuous flexibility, the gaps in delivery and move quickly while always maintaining the central vision in their minds.
In Svexa, we have finished employing people not only with the necessary technical skills but also knowing the field or high -level experience in sports, because they know how real people will apply our visions in the real world. We have kept our organization light and smart, and watching every penny and tunnel only where we need it – maintaining the combustion rate as much as possible is the smart and responsible thing to do, but it still seems amazingly rarely in startup lands. As far as “culture” is the word ton, it is important even for early startups to determine what it means to them – which type of companies want to be, how they will interact internally and externally. It allowed us to address these things explicitly to survive, focus on our goals.
Why did you decide to participate in the Hakiron activists event from the year? What does this mean for starting start if you win?
We are very proud of what we have achieved, we feel that Svexa is really a power for good in the field of human performance and health. So we are happy to share our work if others help their startups. Likewise, we are always looking for what we can learn from startups and other founders, so Hackernoon provides a valuable resource in this regard. This event is a great way to get to know each other.
What are the future plans that you have to start starting your health care? Where do you see that in 3-4 years?
We have a long list of “DOS” to expand our product capabilities, as our science team constantly introduces new studies that highlight innovative ways we can collect and analyze human performance data. Of course, we will continue to expand our portfolio to cover additional sport and relevant activities. We have already expanded our work to the Concierrge Medical, Militars and Esports. In the next few years, we will deal with broader sectors including companies’ health and general healthy population for the entire countries, showing how our algorithms can provide a good human performance in any scenario.
How to change the health care sector in recent years? How do you believe that it will change in the future?
The widespread challenge of all participants in sports and health is what to do with all the data they collect. Whether they are individual athletes, coaches, professional teams or entertainment players every day, any of us can simply link an hour or wear a ring and install an application to be presented with countless standards and different plans to try to know that – where should I see, what is the most important For me, what should I change in my training to improve my performance? To date, each of the devices service providers usually provides their interpretation of their devices, and they may make recommendations for training or prevent injuries, etc. However, the two great things that they fail to do is 1) combine all the sources of data available to the individual, to provide one comprehensive image, and 2) providing really comprehensive visions based on that comprehensive image.
The great change in the coming years will be the shift from just picked up data, displaying it and interpreting it in a useful way. The pipeline aims to integrate and coordinate all available sources by re -calculating basic measures such as pregnancy from capturing the primary raw data. Through this strong integrated data set, we can create a digital twin from the individual who, from all thousands of possibilities, which are the specific measures or connections that determine the best way to perform or recover this individual. However, we can then simulate thousands of possible systems to determine what is better for them. A little different applications for our algorithms can take over when the injury or excessive training, or predict the results of the next teacher events, for example, we expected the results of elite sport in major championships in many sports that are less than a mistake less than 0.5 %.
Which words are closed?
Svexa’s basic vision is that any individual is able to open the full potential for health and performance data. Using this Svexa data is uniquely capable of providing them with personal directions about what to do, in any scenario on any day. We want a democratic character to the value in data, and allow each of us to control our data and visions with our progress in our lives. We really believe that we can achieve good results for people all over the world, and we greatly appreciate your voices in the 2024 startups.