gtag('config', 'G-0PFHD683JR');
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Open source solution makes the execution of the murder breeze

As a developer, switch between different projects, I often have to kill the DIFF port. My solution was MurderA large -scale package to edit ports. But over time, I noticed something frustrated – The murder was slow. Sometimes, it took it 20 seconds Only to free the port. When you are in the middle of rapid development, this type of delay is unacceptable.

Try to fix the problem

Instead of just dealing with the case, I decided to take action. I looked at Murder Implementation and found ways to improve it. Hoping to improve the ecosystem, I Create a PR withdrawal request (PR) To the original warehouse. But … nothing. No response from the author.

Days passed. Weeks passed. There is still no update.

Building something better

This is when I made the decision: If the current solution does not improve, then why not build my country? thus Port Customer child.

Focus on performance, and made it 11x faster From killing. Now, instead of waiting 20 secondsYou can free your ports almost immediately.

Response? amazing.

It turns out, I was not the only person who was thwarted by the slow ports management. Port-CLINT has now been downloaded approximately 80,000 times-and it grows quickly! Developers all over the world use the speedy work of their work.

Join the trip

This experience taught me something valuable: Problems are just hidden opportunities. What started as a disturbance to turn into a widely used package that helps thousands of developers daily.

And the trip is not over! 🚀 Port Customer Open source, I like to contribute, suggest improvements, or just try them. check it out:

👉 NPM: Port Customer
👉Gaytap: Fix2015/Port-client

To make development faster – one outlet at one time. ⚡

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