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VANECK announces Hodl Share Split – Cryptomode

Investment in Vaneck Bitcoin ETF (“HODL”, “trust”, or “fund”) is subject to significant risks and may not be suitable for all investors. Hodl is not an investment company registered under the Investment Company Law of 1940 (“” Law 1940 “), and therefore is not subject to the same protection as investment funds or circulating investment funds registered under the 1940 law.

New York – (Bznis Wayer) –You are I am pleased to announce the division of shares forward 4 against 1 Vaneck Bitcoin Etf (CBOE: HODL).

The fund’s shares will start trading on the basis of dividing the division in the open market on February 14, 2025. The box will keep the same CUSIP and continue to trade on the exchange of CBOE under the same Moster, as shown below. There will be no effect on the total value of ETP. Depository Trust (“” DTC “), the registered owner of all boxes shares, was notified by division and was directed to control the investment of each shareholder accordingly.

Fund name



The percentage of division

Vaneck Bitcoin Etf



4: 1

Register history

Payment date

the previous




VANECK evaluates the ETP group periodically to determine when and where to divide the stocks will benefit investors. A number of factors are considered, including the ETP market price, the spread of bidding size and trading volume.

About you

VANECK has the date of view beyond the financial markets to determine the trends that are likely to create influential investment opportunities. We were one of the first American asset managers to provide investors to reach international markets. This determines the tone of the company’s campaign to determine the classes and trends – including gold investment in 1968, emerging markets in 1993, and exchange funds in 2006 – which then formed the investment management industry.

Today, VANECK offers active and negative strategies with convincing exposure supported by well designed investments. As of December 31, 2024, Vaneck managed about $ 113.8 billion of assets, including joint investment funds, traded investment funds and institutional accounts. The company’s capabilities of basic investment opportunities range to more specialized exposure to enhance the diversification of portfolios. Our managed strategies are actively fed by selecting research and security from the bottom to the highest governor managers with direct experience in the sectors and regions in which they invest. Investment, liquidity, diversity and transparency are a key to decisions with experience about choosing the market and indicators behind the negative VANECK strategies.

Since our founding in 1955, the status of the interests of our customers was first, in all market environments, at the heart of the company’s mission.

Important disclosure

This material must be preceded or accompanied by bulletin. Investing in Vaneck Bitcoin ETF (“” Hodl “or” Trust “) may not be suitable for all investors. Before investing, you should think carefully about investment goals, risks, drawings and expenses.

Investment includes great risks, and you may lose money on investing in the fund. Bitcoin value is very volatile, and the value of the box shares may decrease quickly, including scratch. You may fully lose your main investments. To get a more complete discussion of risk factors for confidence, read a brochure carefully.

The goal of investing in the fund is to reflect the performance of the bitcoin price less than the expenses of the insurance fund operations. Confidence is a negative investment vehicle that does not seek to generate returns that exceed the tracking price of bitcoin.

The Trust is not an investment company registered under the Act of the Investment Company of 1940 (“” Law of 1940 “) or a group of goods for the purposes of the Law of Exchanging Commodities (” CEA “). Confidence shares are not subject to the same regulatory requirements as investment funds. As a result, HODL shareholders have no protection associated with stock ownership of an investment company registered under the 1940 law or the protection provided by CEA.

Investment in confidence is subject to risks that include, but not limited to, severe volatility and possibly in the future of bitcoin, the various potential factors that may negatively affect the liquidity of stocks confidence, and the limited date of the index will be determined by the value of Bitcoin and then the value of TRST, and possible threats To measure the bitcoin confidence, the unorganized nature and the lack of transparency surrounding the Bitcoin trading platforms, which may all negatively affect the value of the stock shares. Please note that this is not a comprehensive list of confidence -related risks. Please read a full list of a full risk bulletin.

Since confidence shares aim to reflect the price of bitcoin held in the insurance fund, the market price of stocks is subject to fluctuations similar to those that affect bitcoin prices. In addition, confidence shares are purchased and sold at the market price, not in the net value of assets (“NAV”). Brokerage committees will reduce returns.

Arrows are based like stocks, subject to investment risks and will fluctuate in market value. The value of the TRUST shares directly relates to the Bitcoin value that TRUST (less than its expenses) is related, and fluctuations in the price of bitcoin can affect financially and robbed the investment in shares. The price received when selling shares, which trades at the market price, may be more or less than the bitcoin value it represents. Do not generate any income, and since confidence is issued regularly to pay the costs of the continuous expenses of the sponsor, the amount of bitcoin that each share represents will decrease over time.

This content is published in the United States to the population of the specific countries. Investors are subject to securities and tax regulations within their applicable judicial states that have not been addressed to this content. Nothing in this content should not be considered a request to purchase or offer to sell shares of any investment in any judicial state, as the offer or seam will be illegal under the laws of securities for such a judicial jurisdiction, and it does not aim to invest, taxes, finance, or legal advice. Investors must request such professional advice for their position and specialization.

The sponsor of confidence is Vaneck Digital Assets, LLC. The Marketing Agents is Van Euck Securities Corporation. VANECK Digital Assets, LLC, and Van Euck Securities Corporation is the subsidiary of Van Euck Associates Corporation.

© Van Euck Associates Corporation, 666 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017

Phone: 800.826.2333


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Chris Sullivan

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