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9,100,000 RLUSD classified by Ripple in 12 hours after the main menu

The data shared by the Ripple Stablecoin Tracker account on the X -RACKER network (RL_TraCker) has shared that over the past 12 hours, Blockchain Beheemoth, which is based in San Francisco, has created approximately 10,000,000 Stablecoins (RLUSD).


Before that, on February 7, Ripple Treasury released 1,000,000 RLUSD, according to the same source. RLUSD blocks were released after the recently launched Stablecoin recorded on the main encryption platforms.

The platforms that added RLUSD support are Droclut online banking and the Zero Hash outfit platform.

Earlier this year, RLUSD was added by the major cryptocurrency exchange such as BITSTAMP, Bullish and others. In the future, Ripple plans to launch Stablecoin on other platforms, including Binance and Coinbase, and negotiations on this are under implementation, according to Ripple Monica long director. Last month, RLUSD recorded a large milestone with the value of the market value to the level of 100,000 dollars temporarily.

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