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Binance spoils 5 Bitcoin pairs overnight: What happens?

Another round of deletion is coming Binance. The Stock Exchange decided to remove many local trading pairs, a step it takes regularly to ensure smooth operations and maintain the quality of the market. This time, the focus is on pairs with bitcoin, along with one Ethereum pair.

Liquidity and trading size are the main reasons behind the decision. Binance evaluates all trading pairs periodically, and those who fail to meet their standards are removed. It is a routine cleaning, aimed at maintaining the efficiency of the platform and competitiveness.

Who gold?

Each of these assets plays a different role in the Blockchain world. The MDT data code revolves around the exchange of decentralized data, and the creation of a system in which users, data providers and buyers interact.

The enzyme (MLN) follows a different approach, as it offers a platform for building and managing investment strategies, whether it is a mechanism or appreciation. Then there is an oasis (Rose), which pushes the limits of privacy in the Web3 with the support of Defi, Gamefi, NFTS and more.


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Some projects focus on specialized industries. VIBERATE (VIB) blends Blockchain with the world of music, with the aim of connecting musicians, fans and events organizers in a central ecosystem.

FCTION (VIC), previously known as Tomochain, continues its task of providing rapid and developed infrastructure for decentralized applications, which operates with a voting consensus mechanism for its evidence. Meanwhile, Xai looks forward to games, and works as a first layer of 3 layer in the arbitrary ecosystem.


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Various functions, different goals, however they all find themselves in the same position – loss of trading pairs in bitcoin or ethereum on Binance.

For traders who hold these assets, the deletion of these husbands does not affect the availability of icons on Binance. It can still be circulated through other pairs available on the platform. However, users who run the robots circulating in these husbands must cancel or update before the deadline to avoid possible losses.

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