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20 Hollywood stars who have never won the Academy Award

  • Oscars on Sunday, March 2.
  • Edward Norton and Sinthia Evo are the candidates for this year who have not won the Academy Award before.
  • Norton got his fourth nomination for the best actor in a supportive role for “an unknown unknown”.

The Oscars are just around the corner, and while some stars such as Mickey Madison competed for the first prize, others, such as Edward Norton and Cinathia Evo, are entering a familiar area.

This year, Norton was nominated for the Fourth Academy Award for photographing the Segel House in “A Unknown Complete” and ERIVO is nominated for her third thanks for her performance like ELPHABA ThROP in “Wicked”. Both will search for the first Oscar winning in their lives on March 2 at the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles.

They are not alone. It was called Snub or simply not the right time, many actors, managers, producers and others in the industry are still awaiting the first Academy Award – which raised the audience’s surprise.

From Bradley Cooper to David Venber, here are 20 stars in Hollywood, we cannot believe that she never won the Academy Award.

Carrie has contributed to a previous version of this story.

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